ct_thrash just IMed me from the toilet in texas


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
wickedchica84: Pooping just thought you should know
CharredSacrifice: :-D
wickedchica84: Pooping in texas
CharredSacrifice: hearing that makes me happy
wickedchica84: Yay
wickedchica84: Ha ha i knew it would
wickedchica84: It makes me happy too
CharredSacrifice: any recent developments regarding your leg?
wickedchica84: I approve of this toilet
CharredSacrifice: :)
wickedchica84: Nope i cant go to the doctor til my mom gets her jury duty over with in a few days
wickedchica84: It felt juicy and im afraid to wipe lol
CharredSacrifice: well, seems like a nice place to poop
well just the stress i've been through lately has kept me very regular. very. :erk:
and the people next door to us put cardboard up on their windows whenever we come and go :lol: :lol: :lol:
ct_thrash said:
well just the stress i've been through lately has kept me very regular. very. :erk:
and the people next door to us put cardboard up on their windows whenever we come and go :lol: :lol: :lol:

HAHAHA OMG , I love living in the south its so....... well I cant think of the word but yeah. I lived iN oklahoma up until recently now Im in NM , but anyway talk about odd. Indains put everything in their front yards from cars ( without wheels to wheelchairs , TO FUCKING PORTOPOTIES . I know this cause I have seen it.
hahaha yessss. a long time ago before i ran off to maryland, some people down the street from us put a toilet in their front yard and put decorative rocks all around it :lol:
they eventually took it away