Cubase 5.5 Instant Playback @ Cursor = Initial Skip


Sep 21, 2006
I'm posting this here because I'm hoping to find more users who have the same problem.

Here's how to hear the problem...

Start a new project, and import an audio file into a track. The sound should be something like a snare sample (anything with loud transient first)... Remove ALL silence or even quiet space before the audio sample, then select the event and hit the "P" key (this will wrap the locators around the event)

Now go to start (1 on numeric pad), and hit play. Cubase will chop off the beginning of your sample through playback. If you wait for a minute (pre-buffering in the background maybe?) then hit play, it will not mess up, but if you hit "1" key again while playback is going on, it will resort to the same "chopping off" off the audio sample.

This is very frustrating to deal with when you're working with creating multi samples, and I am looking around for a fix or even a workaround. I really don't want a pre-roll but I guess that might be my only option.

If you have this same problem, please reply or just add your name here, so that I can back it up when I go to report the bug.

i remember having the same problem, but i will have to check your exact scenario.
ill also check that in N5, i think the playback engine will be the same in C5.5 and N5.
so i cant say yes for now, but give me a day.
I'm having major issues with the 5.5 update. Completely crashed my system. Out of curiosity is there a way to undo the update? Just go back to 5.1.1 or whatever it was? Line 6 Gearbox crashes the system, it wont recognise my Toneport UX8 audio interface either, i'm pretty screwed right now. Thats only a few of the issues as well.

Be thankful that your only issue is the start of a sample not playing back. Although I can see that being quite frustrating. If I could get Cubase working I could try it out and see if it is the same for me.

Hoping there is another patch soon :S
this happens for me and has since I've used Cubase. At times when I hit the spacebar to playback it will miss a triggered sample, assuming playback starts right on a transient that triggers a sample. Usually I just double hit the spacebar to stop it and start again and it's fine. Never been a big deal to me.

BTW, in my case it's not that Cubase lops off the beginning of the sample, I think it doesn't see the transient the sample is triggered off, so the sample doesn't get triggered at all. IMO it's the same idea, only in reverse, when you stop playback and hear a lone sample triggered.
this happens for me and has since I've used Cubase. At times when I hit the spacebar to playback it will miss a triggered sample, assuming playback starts right on a transient that triggers a sample. Usually I just double hit the spacebar to stop it and start again and it's fine. Never been a big deal to me.

BTW, in my case it's not that Cubase lops off the beginning of the sample, I think it doesn't see the transient the sample is triggered off, so the sample doesn't get triggered at all. IMO it's the same idea, only in reverse, when you stop playback and hear a lone sample triggered.

im not talking about samples being triggered

im talking about sound being garbled for 5 milliseconds when playback begins

no plugins, just pure audio