Cubase 5 - Batch export question

It makes sense to me, Erm, since you select which output bus you want to export from in the export window.
i really dont understand why you can export mono tracks in standard export mode WITHOUT assigning a mono out,
and its not working in batch mode...
Weird, haven't had that issue in 5.1, just exported a truckload of mono tracks the other day this way without re-routing them. They were all routed to a stereo group channel, which in turn was routed to main outs 1-2.
shane, i have heard that people went back to 5.01 because of terribble bugs in 5.1. how long have you been running 5.1 ? anything weird going on there?
I normally just consolidate and fish through the Audio directory and grab the files directly. Was just hoping for a more 'integrated' way to do it, is all.

@Shane: That is odd. When I consulted the manual all they mentioned was that the 'Mono export' option would be greyed out when 'Batch export' was selected. Rightly so, all my mono tracks exported as stereo files, and seemingly no way to alter that outcome apart from doing the superfluous routing trick Shredder mentioned.

@dcb: Yeah, same question here.
shane, i have heard that people went back to 5.01 because of terribble bugs in 5.1. how long have you been running 5.1 ? anything weird going on there?

No problems here. Everyone's setup is different, but having no issues here in Leopard, Snow Leopard, or Windows 7 with Cubase 5.1 and my RME FireFace 800.