My current setup: Intel E7200 @ 3.5ghz, 4gb ddr2 800mhz, emu0404. I'm runing XP with Cubase sx3. My usual project would be DFHS1, few guitartracks with wagner, TSS, and waves IR. and a basstrack with revalver mk3.
Here's the problem: When I'm monitorin one guitar track it sometimes glitches a lot. This happens when I set the ASIO buffer latency to 10 ms or less. I'm using the EMU Asio drivers so that shouldn't be the problem. If I'd like to have less latency, should I just go for a new soundcard, or is this simply a user issue? I recall people saying they can run 0404 with 5ms or less latency so this has bothered me for a while.
Here's the problem: When I'm monitorin one guitar track it sometimes glitches a lot. This happens when I set the ASIO buffer latency to 10 ms or less. I'm using the EMU Asio drivers so that shouldn't be the problem. If I'd like to have less latency, should I just go for a new soundcard, or is this simply a user issue? I recall people saying they can run 0404 with 5ms or less latency so this has bothered me for a while.