Cubase error : recording too many tracks?


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
This has never happened before, but today when I went to record a guitar part, I had 3 mics armed to record and I got the error so I thought I'll be honest and just ditch the 2 mics I don't necessarily need and yet I still get this message. It records for different lengths depending on where in the song I am, if I try and record in the chorus where there's alot going on it'll usually choke out after about 5 seconds but in the intro where there is nothing apart from guitar it can easily go for 30 seconds before ending its life in the chorus :cry:

Has anyone ever encountered this and happen to know a way around it?
Like I said I've never had this before this is the second time this week it's happened so I thought I'd address the problem, if I can't find a fix I might just clench my balls and move over to reaper o_O

Oh one last thing, I actually tried recording the guitars on a completely blank project and for some reason it still choked so I don't think it's a CPU issue :ill: