Jan 22, 2006
it´s me again with some cubase-ish questions!

i recorded some songs,and for the first time i want to give them away to another studio for the mix and master!

until now i mixed by my own,so i didn´t have to export the files somewhere!

but now i have to and i don´t have a clue what is the best way to do it,since there are tons of different ways to explained in the manual.

the studio i´m going to works with protools or logic on macs
i recorded in 24/44.1

the studio needs 24/48 khz

but my first question is:

how do i bounce/mixdown/whatever the tracks to put them on my external harddrive!i know HOW to do that,but what is the best way/format the studio can work with etc...i´ve heard that it´s not a good idea to do a mixdown of every track,cause there will be maybe a loss of quality then...

i really appreciate any help!
Select all the tracks in the arrange window, then choose "bounce selection" from the audio menu (I forget exactly which one, I don't have cubase at home). This will bounce each track to the length defined by the range selection. This won't print any effects to the tracks though.
why 24/48?

Bullshit! just tell him it's 44.1 he can definitely work with that and it'd make less than zero sense to convert to 48k and then cut down back to 44.1

ok,actually he said,44.1. is also fine,but 48 would be better cause...ahem,i don´t know,haha...í talk to the guy again :)
Select all the tracks in the arrange window, then choose "bounce selection" from the audio menu (I forget exactly which one, I don't have cubase at home). This will bounce each track to the length defined by the range selection. This won't print any effects to the tracks though.

i see!and then i have these bounced files,named "KICK BOUNCED" e.g. in my audio-folder or the pool and i can drag them to my folder on the external harddrive,right?!?

i see!and then i have these bounced files,named "KICK BOUNCED" e.g. in my audio-folder or the pool and i can drag them to my folder on the external harddrive,right?!?


Yes....make sure they all start at the same bar!

also export a midi-file...that way he'll have the tempo and markers etc when importing it to his DAW of choice.

and the only reason he might want to have 48k is if he wants to mix it for DVD....but still since it's recorded in 44.1 it won't give you any advantages...the opposite is the case....downsampling again later to 44.1 for CD will be a decrease in quality
can't find the bounce option because my Cubase is in german and I can't seem to find the answer in the manual. so I got 15 tracks for vocals, guitars and bass and want to export them without any changes... the rough recorded signal. How do I do that without having to use the mixdown option for every single track?
can't find the bounce option because my Cubase is in german and I can't seem to find the answer in the manual. so I got 15 tracks for vocals, guitars and bass and want to export them without any changes... the rough recorded signal. How do I do that without having to use the mixdown option for every single track?

selektieren was du bouncen willst, dann Rechtsklick---->Auswahl als Datei
perfekt, hatte ich auch schon gefunden: meine 8 songs sind nur alle in einem Audio ordner gespeichert und da speichert er auch die gebouncten dateien rein... kann ich irgendwie vor dem bouncen einem pfad für die gebouncten dateien angeben damit ich nicht noch groß in meinem audio ordner suchen muss? (da sind gut 10.000 dateien drin... hab da vorher nicht dran gedacht). klingt echt blöd wenn man 3 mal bouncen in einem satz sagt...
and how can I make all the tracks make start at the same bar. let's say I have a solo recorded in the middle of the track... do I have to reimport it in the right place or is there another more comfort way to do this?

will exporting all the tracks with mixdown really do something to the quality?
and how can I make all the tracks make start at the same bar. let's say I have a solo recorded in the middle of the track... do I have to reimport it in the right place or is there another more comfort way to do this?

will exporting all the tracks with mixdown really do something to the quality?

Draw in a blank section before/after it, highlight the blank section and the actual wave file, bounce the two, and when it prompts you, select "replace original" or whatever it says. You'll then have the waveform from the lead guitar, for instance, with a gigantic ass blank section before it.
Draw in a blank section before/after it, highlight the blank section and the actual wave file, bounce the two, and when it prompts you, select "replace original" or whatever it says. You'll then have the waveform from the lead guitar, for instance, with a gigantic ass blank section before it.

thanks! that helped me a lot!
one more question concerning the bouncing:what effect has the fader of the channel on the level of the bounced track?means:when bouncing for the mix,do i have to set everything on 0 db?
I always wondered, when you bounce like that in cubase does it process the fades and crossfades? I always used export. And I think when you export if you have automation it will export with it. won't it.
...and can you do something like "bounce to..." like bouncing onto a certain folder,like you can choose when you export?