hey i have forgotten how to use a sample as instrument say in cubase not just to import it but to be able to play it back at any pitch etc if you could help me that would be great thanks a lot
spellbound-by-the-bodom said:@eff ahh i'm sick of you fuck off!!! fuck man get a life your such a loser
Hey man take it easy, the guy was fucking JOKING.spellbound-by-the-bodom said:its a forum not an english exam who really cares its not like im writing in french or anything just shut the fuck up about it really its so boring and nobody else gives a shit!
Aren't you being a little bit susceptible????spellbound-by-the-bodom said:this is none of your business but he has done this like 5 times to me and its fucking annoying capiche?
EFF@ lol I knew you wouldn't be able to resist!! you're evil manEagleFlyFree said:*celine