Cubase help!

punc·tu·a·tion (pngkch-shn)

- The use of standard marks and signs in writing and printing to separate words into sentences, clauses, and phrases in order to clarify meaning.

- The marks so used.

- The act or an instance of punctuating.
@eff ahh i'm sick of you fuck off!!! fuck man get a life your such a loser

well what i mean is you could say take a sample of somthing at middle c and import it , into cubase and you would be able to program say a melody or whatver and it would play it back using the sample as the instrument....
i don't wanna argue with you, i'm just trying to incite you to actually use punctuation (as if you wouldn't already have gotten the point)

anyway, yeah i'll grow up, i'll grow so big and fat that i'll be able to roll over you and crush you like a turd through a junkyard car crusher! AND I'LL DO IT!!
spellbound-by-the-bodom said:
its a forum not an english exam who really cares its not like im writing in french or anything just shut the fuck up about it really its so boring and nobody else gives a shit!
Hey man take it easy, the guy was fucking JOKING.
@Quarantine: thanks, but don't bother anyway... i've nearly given up already heh

@spellbound by the bodom yeah ok dude you know what if you cant beat them join them how about i become one of yours we'll spread our illiteracy to everyone else they'll cry like babies kthxbye
jesus haha dude he was kidding he does this shit to me all the time over icq.... grow up spellbound and learn not to take everything so personally!