Cubase question


Hit'er in the shitter
Dec 12, 2005
I'm running Cubase SX2 and I wonder if there is any way to record two inputs to one mono track ITB (miced cab and room mic). I have a behringer mixer with sub out, but the pres suck so i'd rather use my toft.
Sure I can mix down both tracks to a mono track but that will take me a day with all the songs :(
If I'm not mistaken, you can record as many inputs as you want to a track right? I've never tried so I'm just speculating but it seems like I could run 2 mics into my mixer and go from there to my soundcard into a single audio track and mix the 2 mics to taste. I'm probably wrong about that though.
i dont thing mixing them down to one track immediately is such a good idea as there will no doubt be some phase issues between the tracks.
this is best resolved in cubase (before combining the tracks together)
Pman: Phase issues or not, I have the sound i'm after and it sounds good to my ears so I don't really care.

neverpurify: But I don't want to use the mixer ;) My question is if cubase can allow me to choose multiple input sources on one track, or if there is any other way to do it :)
I think you probably can using group tracks however I don't think you can make a group track mono. Your best bet is just to use two tracks. It really shouldn't be all that much more work to mix if you already know what sound you are trying to capture.
Not entirely sure if this would work, you could try placing silverspikes tapeit over a group track and setting it to output a mono file. I'm almost certain you could do this in realtime but on the other hand I may be talking shite. Any good?
Like neverpurify was saying, you CAN create a mono group channel track and route the two inputs to the mono group channel track and walla...
Brett: I don't really see why this thread about software should be in the Equipment section, but hey, you're the boss... I'm sorry.

Anyway, as I thought it seems that there's no way to do it the way I'd like to so I hope the ENGL I picked up today will sound great with just one mic - problem solved :)