Cubendo recording question


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I asked something like this a while back but got no responses.

Basically, I need to know, is there a way to get punch-ins using Nuendo and Cubase 3 to behave in the same way as 'Quick Punch' in ProTools, where you can drag the audio back before the punch in and after the punch out in case you missed your mark?

It's something that's really been killing me as I've been tracking guitars at home.

I didn fully understand. If you punch it and miss the beggining of a transient, you want to be able to correct it ? Theres something on the preferences panel regarding this. Something like pre-record or something. Just search on the preferences thing :)
I always just add a 16th note to the start and ending of the punch in section so i can trim and crossfade it doesent take to long
I forget what it's called but you can set it to record for X number of seconds before the punch-in and after it. So, what I do is have the drummer start playing along to their already recorded tracks before the punch in and keep going a little after - I think everyone does this already, just saying... When it's done I can drag the events back and it's all there. I'll have to look when I get home to find out exactly where that setting is.
Whoah holy fuck I didn't know that's what those did. :lol: I assumed they were fades or some shit... I'm a chode. I just hit play and then press * (record) when the time comes. I'll be using that method from now on though, that's fo sho, makes it much easier.

I haven't been home to check yet, off work in lik 5 hours..., but I think it's pre-roll or something that you set for it to record before the punch-in points for the purpose Ermz needs.
Ermin is trying to find out how to get access to audio that is recorded before the punch-in point. You have to set it to record before the punch point, however many seconds you wish. I haven't used the method in that vid before I just hit * when the time comes but it still records before I hit * and I can drag the end of it back and there will be the drummer playing along before I hit *.
Ok, just got home and here we go... Go to Cubendo's Preferences and go to Record>Audio and the option is called Audio Pre-Record Seconds.

Thanks 006. How does Cubase know when 5 seconds before I press the record button is going to be? I never set punch in and out points using the locators. It's always manual. Is there a way to keep it recording in the background from the moment you hit 'go' to the moment you hit 'stop'? Because a lot of the time I'll punch out but keep doing a manual post-roll, so to speak. Quick Punch lets me move the start and ends of the audio around as much as I'd like after this.
To be honest I don't know how it works, it just does :\ I dunno if it just records the signal from the moment you hit play until you hit stop or what. Here's an example:


Now, what this pic is showing is the pre-record. I pushed play with the cursor at measure 1 (0 seconds), when it hit measure 4 (6 seconds exactly) I hit record. The event you see on there I drug the end of it back and it gave me 5 seconds (it starts at 1 second in the project) exactly before I hit record. This is how I do punch-ins usually, just hit * when I feel like it's good to start recording, but before the point I want them to really punch-in at.

As a test, I went ahead and tried the locator method to see if it would pre-record 5 seconds using that as well, locators set to 4 and 7 for this example:


This works too! I'm actually stoked about this because now I know how to do "proper" punching in Cubase, all the years I have used it I always just hit * when playing it back.

Like I said you can put a 10 second pre-record as well if you want.
Man, I've always been curious how to do this. I often have to start a performer right at a tempo change, b/c they need to hear the tempo then record, but they often come in slightly early and the transient is cut off.
Man, I've always been curious how to do this. I often have to start a performer right at a tempo change, b/c they need to hear the tempo then record, but they often come in slightly early and the transient is cut off.

For that situation I use pre-count in Cubase. It gives a count-off in the tempo that you will be recording in, I use an 8-count so the tempo is really ingrained in their mind. I use that in conjunction with the Pre-Record feature and I get no transients cut off. Just x-fade the event and done :)
Cool, so the pre-record worked rather well when manually punching. Good feature - should be on by default!

This was the best feature added with Nuendo version 3 (which I'm still using). I have mine set to 10 min. I think it just buffers 10 sec. of audio in memory for every track that's armed.

Sometimes I'll have a vocalist or guitarist working on a part they were having trouble with and I'll hear him nail it somewhere in there. Just hit record and pull the handle back. I love that shit!
Yeah. I use a 4 or more count in, but there's no pre-record option in Sonar :( (as far as I know, and as far as I've asked)

Options - Audio - Advanced: Under Playback & Recording, there's 'Record Pre-allocate File (seconds)'.

That might be what you're looking for? Not sure, I just record 2 bars before and chop it later. If I'm doing drums, I get em to stop at the end of each section (can sometimes be hard to get them to stop without hitting the crash on 1 tho).