Cult of Luna/Isis/Neurosis mix

this song is awesome! whats your band called?

did you trigger the kick? snare sounds okay, but i think its abit dry, loud and missing abit of the "crack" factor! apart from when he switches it off, haha
I can't say much for the production because I'm on my iPod and my headphones were recently destroyed so I'm reduced to a shitty pair of phones I found. I liked the song though and that's saying something cause strangely enough I was just listening to "the tide" off of a sun that never sets and listened to your tune the whole way through and enjoyed it.
Snare definitely needs more clarity.
However I can't tell if you were going for an intentionally somewhat sludgy sound, because post metal seems to err on both the "cleaner" production styles and the dirtier, sludgier styles, so it'll be good to know what your actual artistic intent is here.
Ignoring the production aspect, as someone who is a huge fan of the post metal genre, I REALLY fucking dug the song writing. Top notch song man
So I guess I'm not the only one hearing the snare's lack of clarity.
It really is affecting the lower mids of the mix, so it will be cool to hear that cleaned up a bit
i will go in and try and take some of the boomyness out of the snare but it also has a lot to do with the snare itself. you are mainly hearing the original snare.

when the snare is turned on i have slate samples just for attack, when the snare is turned off it is just a 57 mic'ed on top.

definitely going for a sludgy sound but i think i would agree that i need a little less boomyness in the snare. ill update a track in the next day or so