Cultes De Ghoules (Don't be skeeeeered)

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
I have yet to see this band mentioned in these heretic laden halls. What we have here is some sinister black metal, as occult as the night Profanity ventured in to a back alley pub with nothing more than a 20watt flashlight. Are you skeeeeeeeeered? This is the audio equivalent of spelunking in to the depths of Cara DeAngelis' emotions. Friends, I'm phoning this in, just click play...

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i noticed these new band reco threads pop up ealry january from you yearly
Bump, check post 3 for some bad ass black metal. Do I have to actually have Erik sticky this when it's my turn to reco for people to enjoy good music? You're only hurting yourselves friends! I listened to the ep in question twice last night, excellent atmosphere, actually made me afraid to be alone (not really, but I did feel a sense of eeriness during the demonic cackles that transpire mid way through.) These guys are Poles, so you know they don't fuck around. Even an invading army can not tear them away from their instruments. While, the weak (you) carry on with your daily activities of tweeting, drinking lattes, and just being as soft as a piece of two ply, these heathens are conjuring the spawn of Vlad T. P, to impale your wee wee. BME never sounded so good.
listened to this several times when it came out and for whatever reason forgot all about the band, thanks for the update. The amateurish rawness is crawling all over my feeble soul.
Fuck you guys werent wrong about this guy not shutting the fuck up. Sit back and mood build before you fellate the mic with the gurgling sounds of self fellatio.

Also hate how pretentious his/they/xer album titles are. Everything is "X, or the blah blah". I got a fucking headache, and am not happpppppy.

Edit- I paused album after the first song, went to take a shit (wiped whilst sitting, got a little external hemmoroid going on, idk if its from squatting or what. Thankfully its decreased in mass over the past day. Twas legit the size of a cashew for past two..) Anyhow second track steering the ship into more necro waters. I am once again skeeeeered. Not for my ears, but for my soul!

@dorian gray
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Coven wouldve been better receieved if it were the band's FIRST offering. I just cant help but shake this aura of pretentiousness surrounding this album. Vunts garnered some notoriety and use it to put forth a long winded Sathanas Operatica that the kvlt kiddies crinkle their smooth brains over. Musically its fine, albeit masturbatory and self indulgent. These cats most definitely love the smell of their own farts.