Cupping the vocal mic


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
So, why do vocalists do this? I frequently see it as a FOH engineer, and I don't understand. Is it an image thing... do they like the +10000dB boost to the low-mids that cupping the mics adds? The engineer is just gonna subtract the shit you add on the desk anyway... I mean, why is it that vocalists do this with microphones, and in particular when recording? Is it integral to a certain vocal style, or just a bad habbit?

What are your opinions?
hahah for recording
i put it on the stand & let them adjust it, but then ill make it point at them again,
say PERFECT, dont touch it
and then start recording :p
Moonlapse said:
So, why do vocalists do this? I frequently see it as a FOH engineer, and I don't understand. Is it an image thing... do they like the +10000dB boost to the low-mids that cupping the mics adds? The engineer is just gonna subtract the shit you add on the desk anyway... I mean, why is it that vocalists do this with microphones, and in particular when recording? Is it integral to a certain vocal style, or just a bad habbit?

What are your opinions?
They think it makes them louder. I'm personally against it because everything sounds just boxed in and life-less. When we auditioned singers a few months back, I seriously had to tell 3 guys NOT to cup the mic. If there scream only sounds good when cupped, obviously they don't sound good by themselves.
Bad habbit. It's a pain in the arse on stage/in rehearsal cause it will also change the polar patern and make the mic extremely prone to feedback. Not to mention the shitty pizza+beer smell of the grill when the singer stick his mouth on it.
CJWall said:
i think it can be cool for screaming vox if it's not overused.. just another flavor/sound a vocalist can use for variation.


If you know what you're doing (which granted not everyone does) you can actually change the sound without getting shitloads of feedback etc. I'd never do it at a recording but it has it's uses live.

I agree though, most people do it to try and look good, though I don't understand why - personally, I think most screaming/grunting looks pretty fucking stupid; I don't see how cupping the mic helps.

Its a total pain in the arse as a FOH engineer and all it does it take away clarity and cause feedback. Talking to a few singers half of em do it cos everyone else does and the rest do it cos they say a 58 is easier to hold that way. I dont do monitors that much but from what I can remember take 2k out in the wedges and it will help quite a bit with a standard 58. Wedge dependant obviously
~BURNY~ said:
Bad habbit. It's a pain in the arse on stage/in rehearsal cause it will also change the polar patern and make the mic extremely prone to feedback.

Yep. If you close the flow to the back of the capsule you make the mic omni directional. It can add some intensity to vocals b/c you are stressing the shit out of the capsule but at the expensive of clarity. I've also never met a FOH guy who didn't loathe this "technique."