Current state of affairs...


Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL
OK...I promised we'd give you the info about what's been going here it bullet point form:

- Powerfest tickets on sale now @ Ticketmaster.
- Tickets will be available at the Colliseum, Threshold Music, Discount Records, Metal Haven & Impulse Music very soon.
- Bad news...we were notified by Mystic Prophecy late last week that they were forced to cancel due to passport/visa issues. We tried resolving the issues right away while searching for a potential replacement, but unfortunately it didn't work out. We were hoping to confirm a replacement by the end of the weekend, but it's taking longer than expected....surprise, surprise. ;)
- Good news...we have been speaking with 2 potential replacements for MP, which should make even more people happy, and we hope to confirm one or the other within the next day or so.
- Good news...we are very close to confirming the headliner for Saturday. They are very interested, but we are waiting to see that all members are available...should know within next day or so.

THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE...but merely courtesy info for everyone who hangs out here. You guys have shown support for the fest & deserve to have some light shown on what's going on in our world. This is the current status of the fest's lineup, and it will be further updated within the next couple please do not post this update anywhere else...thanks!

Sorry for any inconvenience & we gratiously ask for your we are busting our asses to complete the lineup for you guys ASAP!

Rob, Chris & John
Rob - Thanks for the insight.....
No worries. That news does not leave this board.

I am not too familiar with Mystic Prophecy so it isn't a major loss for me personally. In a way its cool since now there are TWO more bands instead of one to be announced.

Hope it all goes well bro!
Best of luck man. Tough situation I know. Again, I hope things follow though.

And yeah... Visa issues are really annoying.
Bummer....Not a big Mystic Prophecy fan so I am not too upset. Here is hoping that you guys are calling Elvenking!!!!!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :lol:

Seriously...I am sure it will all work out in the end. It sounds like lots of people are peaking an interest in the fest.

Got to go and post this stuff at Blabbermouth, USA Today and New York Times....Just kidding.:lol: :lol:

I love metal but I was hoping for a few more power prog bands and a little less full blown metal. MP was going to be a good mix for me. I'm still wiggin out about going so whoever comes in to play I will love it.
- Powerfest tickets on sale now @ Ticketmaster.

This is the important item of note, since nothing else you can tell me about bands or headliners will change the fact that I'll be there!

Sorry to hear about MP. I see that Redemption is playing lots of festivals, you should hook up with them to see if they can set a record for the largest number of festivals played in a single year - it's sort of like watching Tiger Woods win tournament after tournament :)


I love metal but I was hoping for a few more power prog bands and a little less full blown metal. MP was going to be a good mix for me. I'm still wiggin out about going so whoever comes in to play I will love it.

Rest assured...the two potential replacements were are speaking with are both power metal. :kickass: We didn't want to short change any of the power metal fans. ;)
Rest assured...the two potential replacements were are speaking with are both power metal. :kickass: We didn't want to short change any of the power metal fans. ;)

F*ck!!! Looks like I know have to officially shut my trap about Candlemass. :lol: Cool, 2 power metal acts will certainly balance things out nicely...

Think he meant that there are two power bands they are talking to, but only one will be MP's replacement. Though, I have no idea if they final band will be Power or whatever. Doesn't matter to me as long as the band is good. =)
Too bad about Mystic Prophecy ... I was really looking forward to seeing them. Perhaps they will get their visa issues straightened out, and hit American shores in the next year or so.

At least it sounds like you have more than adequate replacements for them ... heck maybe it will even be a band that appeals to more people than MP.

Best of luck ... hopefully you guys can get this wrapped up in the next day or two.

Could it be PRETTY MAIDS?? Now THEY would make a great headliner! All those years of albums and they've only gotten better with each one! C'mon, let's have the Maids!
Line us up some damn Jag Panzer, and lets be done with that Friday night lineup .... it seemed they had a lot of popularity on this board, and when asked a while back about playing Powerfest Mark Briody was all for it.

Well shit 2 Power Metal headliners you NOW HAVE MY ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Though it looks like I might have to drive since I did nothing about a plane ticket.
Well shit 2 Power Metal headliners you NOW HAVE MY ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Though it looks like I might have to drive since I did nothing about a plane ticket.
There are two power metal bands on the line to replace Mystic Prophecy ... unfortunately only one will be booked. The headline spot on Saturday isn't going to be a power metal band ... I think ... someone correct me if I'm wrong.
