Curriculum Mortis

Thanks a lot Fredrik, I really looked forward to finally seeing something of C.M
PS, I bought my first ACQ today :)

np: Defleshed-Fire in The Soul
Fucking good, Fred! I only think will be a problem for you to play two times for night if ever Curriculum Mortis will tour together with AA!!!
AxeOfDarkness said:
holy shit! i just herd the demo and it fucking rules ass!

@cadarn-not only would it be hard to play twice a night but itd be hard to play drums guitar and bass all at the same time!! :D

Nah! Fred is a good musician, I think that after a little bit of training he would be able to do it :D
thanx for your feedback!

@ Spaffe, pretty harsch of you judging from a half song but typically swedish to not lick ass! :)

@ Patric, which acq did you get?

@ Belegar will probably bring some copies. havent had mb listen to it yet though, we'll see what'll happen.

@ Lorentzo thats just not gonna happen :) and playing wouldnt be a problem, only partying for two! haha

@ axe, thanx man!

@ Thimasz if you buy me a beer, you're in the band! :)
Ii got this, ah, "The Purest of Hate" if that's right. Still preffer GoS ;)

And about what you said about "Swedes never licking ass", well I think it's because they're never happy anything. Crybabies :yell:
guys im too hungover/drunk to reply anything useful so let me just say GOOD LORD the SOUTH is mine eventho sje she gives me so much sufferage and pain but PLEAS LET ME DIE IN HERE sölleröd dk HOORAY
Fredrik! the shit is KILLER!!! the drums sound VERY Much like the versus the world recroding, the toms especially! MAN im am sooooooooo fucking happy you go this project together! ever since ACQ and GOS well basically finished when you left them i have been dying for them to reform, this is like it! AND patric...GOS being better than ACQ? i dont think so man! HAVE YOU HEARD SILENCE OF THE WORLD BEYOND????? The Orchids Sleep??? AMAZING!!!!!!!! pure fucking AMAZING~!!! i have been looking for this album for many many years!!! hopefully i can get it off you now fred! along with this curriculum mortis demo! I love the vocals! still very GoS orientated very nice! and im fucking glad you got AcQ guitarist as well! he is amazing!!! fuck yeah ahahah im too excited about this...ALL SALUTES TO YOU FREDRIK "MOTHER FUCKING LEGENED" ANDERSSON!!! btw.... UP SOON!!!!! New AA official FAN SITE a new one from to this one...
Coolt, hade ingen aning om detta. Beställning på demo kommer snart, är det cd eller kassett?.
/Daniel (vi snackade på Katatoniaspelningen)