
Jun 30, 2003
Québec, Canada
Someone bought this? Does it sound better then the original and are the bonus tracks worth it? I'm considering buying this new version but I'm not sure it's really worth it. So if you can give me some info that'd be appreciated. Thx!
I think that there are only 3 tracks that are remixed and appear as a bonus after the "regular" songs. There also is some of the songs from the Portal demo, which is not worth it IMO, unless you like mellow non-technical stuff with female vocals.
????? Why the remastered version and such? I bought this album brand-new about a year ago and it's not a remasterd version, I think. It doesn't have any bonus tracks on it either. Which one do I have?
I think the robo-vocals fit perfectly, especially with the whole calm and mystical atmosphere. I can see how it could get irritating though. So which tracks are remixed? I hope by remixed you mean with better production, not remixed like dance tracks. o_0