D20 - You're Allaireous man!


May 19, 2008
Hey everyone,
I made a new guitar patch using the Engl Amp Sim in my Axe Ultra and wanted to try it out on a new track. I used the Axe Ultra for 2 tracks of bass and a free sansamp plugin from TSE. I also have never used the Allaire kit from Toontrack, so i decided to use it and see what i could do with the kit in a rock/metal vibe. The snare and kick are replaced a bit with some samples, but other than that it is all Allaire. Hope you guys like it....it's really short. I'll add more to it soon.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1046513/You're Allaireous Man!.mp3

Update: Just added a bit more and an Avatar cymbal
Hmm I usually like your mixes a lot but this mix isn't sitting very well. The guitars sound a bit boxy maybe?