DACs for 2014/2015

I've been working with a few different clients along with other jobs and finally have some big-boy money to upgrade.

Is Prism, Dangerous, Lavry, Mytek, Benchmak ect still the best I could get? I'm looking to improve my D/A since I'm primarily ITB for now. Fairly set on going Coleman and Lavry Blue with with 4 outs so I can start printing though hardware. Also looking at the Dangerous D-Box.

Anyway- any feedback is much appreciated! Thanks!
Prisms have a bit of color to them (on purpose). Lavry is great and clean. I have limited experience with mytek and benchmark. Lavry's are my favorite of what I've heard but IMHO it's hard to beat the apogee symphony i/o if you just want multiple channels of clean a/d/a.
though you didn't mention it i'd go with apogee. either a used ad 16x da 16x combo which still sounds great or you get the new symphony.
The difference between converters pales in comparison to many many other aspects of your chain, and far less than acoustic treatment for your control/tracking room, so make sure that's up to snuff before you spend that much on so few channels.
Haha you guys aren't helping at all! The Apogee AD/DA16x stuff is being looked into as well as the SSL. I have 2 money channel ins, so I'm looking for 4 outs minimum for stellar monitoring and printing.

Just quickly, as far as treatment goes I'm pretty good. The place I moved into was designed to have minimum reflection points and I have 18 4" panels in the problem areas and my entire back wall is a panel with a QRD style diffuser behind me. My main A/D is an API A2D. The rest is Presonus of which I have a few Warms and clean pres going in. I need to cover drums, so the obvious True/880/ISA828 are being looked at after this DAC purchase gets sorted out. 880 seems smartest to get for the extra perk of the "pretty good" A/D. I'll expand to something like an Aurora when I get the mojo pres. My live room is also treated with diffuser/panel combos and my mic selection is decent (121, 441, m201 ect). I'm mixing on HS80Ms and have Dynaudio BM8s in studio B. I think Focal Solo6s are going to be my next investment for monitors. So that's about where I'm at as far as what I think I should invest in.

Prism is flat out of my budget right now, my friend here in Sacramento has an Orpheus and said it's hands down the best he has heard and he recommended Lavry as a close second as he was using the blue series prior to that. I THOUGHT I was getting a D-Box (used), but the item was already on some sort of reserve even after Guitar Center took my money and said it was being sent to me. Needless to say that was an utter nightmare. I've gotten my money back, but I'm trying to work out a deal with them on something else. I'd prefer to skip RME altogether other than their PCIe to get me all hooked up.

But I know with the whole converter top brands you get to the point where you're just splitting hairs for converter quality. Money-pit dude... Sheesh.
I went with the Burl and a Coleman. The soundstage is insane- it's like I have a third center monitor. I recently added a pair of BM5a MKIIs along with my Yamaha HS80s and I'm absolutely blown away with how much better the Dynaudios sound. Straight up like "Oh THERE'S the snare and vocals and all the low mids I couldn't hear". I never want to go back now!

Thanks for all the responses guys! I'm very happy with my purchase and plan on shooting this out with Dangerous/Lavry/Prism in the very near future and will bump this thread for anyone interested.