Daily Om - People Who Don't Get It


Aug 30, 2001
Cool, this one fits in nicely with this thread.


August 24, 2009
Living with It
People Who Don't Get It

You may be someone who understands the true nature of reality, perceiving deeply that we all emanate from the same source, that we are all essentially one, and that we are here on earth to love one another. To understand this is to be awakened to the true nature of the self, and it is a blessing. Nevertheless, people who just don’t get it are seemingly everywhere and, often, in positions of power. It can be frustrating and painful to watch them behave unconsciously. We all encounter individuals of this bent in our families, at work, and in all areas of public life. It is easy to find ourselves feeling intolerant of these people, wishing we could be free of them even though we know that separation from them is an illusion.

It helps sometimes to think of us all as different parts of one psyche. Just as within our own hearts and minds we have dark places that need healing, the heart and mind of the world has its dark places. The health of the whole organism depends upon the relative health of the individuals within it. We increase harmony when we hold onto the light, not allowing it to be darkened by judgment, anger, and fear about those who behave unconsciously. It’s easier to accomplish this if we don’t focus on the negative qualities of individuals and instead focus on how increasing our own light will increase the light of the overall picture.

When dealing with people who seem very unconscious, it helps to remember that every one must find their own way to awakening and that the experiences they are having are an essential part of their process. Holding them in the light of our own energy may be the best way to awaken theirs. At the same time, we are inspired by their example to look within and shed light on our own unconscious places, sacrificing the urge to judge and surrendering instead to humble self-inquiry.
I wouldn't consider this very condescending because let's face it... whether we like it or not, the fact of the matter is we all know or have known people exactly like the ones this article is referencing. Hell, we might even be the people this article references to others out there and not even know it.
no idea

edit@ about the post, peoples mediocrity used to piss me off, and how they're in their "safe" and "small" world. But i realized i don't give a shit, i can't and i don't want to change everyone, so i just lol and them, and get busy with my own hapyness
I don't think it's him but they do look a lot alike. That Benny Lava video killed me the first time I saw it.

I like the article, though the title is stupid. "People, who don't get it?" :zombie:
That already categorizes the people in the intelligent ones, who get "it" and the stupid ones who don't get it, but doesn't the article tell us, that we should not think in back-and-white terms, but instead focus on the positive qualities in every person!?
I think the second half of Vikk's edit pretty much summed up what the article is supposed to be about, more or less.
^ that and also instead of not giving a shit and laughing, the article suggests we should encounter other individuals with more understanding and respect.. ("Holding them in the light of our own energy may be the best way to awaken theirs.")

And "We increase harmony when we hold onto the light, not allowing it to be darkened by judgment, anger, and fear about those who behave unconsciously." Now by laughing and giving a shit.. don't we already judge other people by doing that?

EDIT: I mean, I do it, too, all the time.. but.. just a thought ;)
For dinner I stir-fried some tofu and veggies and ate it with brown rice and black beans, all covered in Sriracha.