Dallas, Oct 4

Bad ass. I look forward to banging heads with you! I'm making the 5 hour drive from Lubbock with a couple of my friends. We'll be the drunk ones. hahaha.

And DaMenace, I'll be sure and send you a spiritual Viking cheers. It's probably not too far for that.
Haha. Since you won't be drinking, perhaps you should keep your eye open for me. I'm about 6' with long blonde hair. Oh yah, I also have forearm tattoos. Anyway, I'm so stoked about this concert, I even had to go through the horrid lengths of working a mudvayne concert last night for some extra cash. I have never seen such a conglomerate of pansies who were obviously castrated before hitting puberty. None the less, I can't wait to clense away this experience next weekend. See you there.
Hell yah, AA is always kicking ass. Do either of you think there is a chance of this show selling out? I really doubt it, but I have never been to Trees and don't know what their capacity is like.
Yea, that Type o show was fucking insane! It was oversold for sure, hey, to both of you, you should stop by my cd store, We've got the biggest selection of metal in North Texas, we'll be doing an instore with DImmu BOrgir, Children of BOdom, Nevermore and Hypocrisy on Nov. 22 as well, its gonna rule, the number is (972)668-6448, either way I"ll see you Sat., cheers

Tom, you don't get it, 15$ bucks that's like a lot of money "sarcasm" ..... just like my friends they are broke for some stuff but not for others (beer, cigs, weed,...) it's all about priorities or the magic word that many don't seem to know a "JOB". Cheers to that. I just got done working 14 hours.
Belgar said:
Tom, you don't get it, 15$ bucks that's like a lot of money "sarcasm" ..... just like my friends they are broke for some stuff but not for others (beer, cigs, weed,...) it's all about priorities or the magic word that many don't seem to know a "JOB". Cheers to that. I just got done working 14 hours.

14 hrs. that's like my average day, can't stand this fucking company

I'm looking for a new job. Anyone, help?