Dallas Star-Ledger: Dream Theater's lead singer a nightmare


In the attic
Jan 3, 2002

By Jay Webb
[size=-1]Special to the Star-Telegram[/size]

GRAND PRAIRIE - The long line of black T-shirts waiting to get into NextStage may have looked like a throwback to the '80s metal debauchery, but the audience gathered for the progressive metal double bill of Queensryche and Dream Theater was a polite yet enthusiastic gathering that just wanted to enjoy their guitar heroes.Don't know what "progressive metal" is? Think heavy metal performed by educated and technically proficient musicians as opposed to a bunch of drunken guys riffing on power chords in a garage.Although their long hair makes prog rockers indistinguishable from regular metal heads, a trained ear can tell the real musicians from the ones who are just working off excess testosterone.Early deadlines prevented a complete review of Queensryche's set, but the number of Dream Theater T-shirts in the crowd easily outnumbered the Queensryche shirts, raising the question of which band should have been headlining.The three core members of Dream Theater -- guitarist John Petrucci, bass player John Myung and drummer Mike Portnoy -- took the stage with a blistering instrumental that didn't need any lyrics. Petrucci's guitar solos were intricate; Myung laid down thunderous rhythm while swinging his waist-length hair. Portnoy's drumming was somewhere between a machine gun and a jackhammer. His drum kit has to be one of the largest in the music business with three bass drums, six cymbals and a gong.But then there was lead singer James LaBrie, who spent most of the show barking his vocals and flipping his blond mane out of his face. LaBrie is the embodiment of every bad heavy-metal cliche and unfortunately not in an amusing Spinal Tap sort of way. His falsetto approached inaudible hysterics; he pounded his tambourine viciously against his hip and made overdramatic hand gestures. And worst of all, he started swinging the microphone around with demented glee. Fortunately, he frequently left the stage, allowing the rest of the band to crank out their power solos.Two screens were set up above the stage but they weren't necessary because the upper balcony was empty and there's not a bad seat in NextStage. The venue also has a great sound system and acoustics that perfectly suited Dream Theater's precision-based sound.
I can't help but agree. I've seen DT twice, and aside from the really soft stuff (ie, Peruvian Skies, Intro /outro to Surrounded) LaBrie just distracts you and sometimes disgusts you with how bad he sounds live. It really hurts the rest of the band. But like this writer said, fortunately he does leave the stage and let the real musicians do their thing. It's hard to think of a replacement though...You can't really have someone like Russel Allen, because he'd be too much for DT, you need to get someone who can hit those highs without being overly agressive and not sounding like a total wuss. Tim Aymar (Control Denied) comes to mind.
Yeah, I remember when I saw DT on the Scenes From A Memory tour, I was really dissapointed in LaBrie's performance. Also, when I tried to get autographs after the show, him and Myung wouldn't sign for anyone. But Petrucci's performance and his sincerity after the show made it all worth while :)
Anyone heard LaBree's performance in Once in a LIVEtime, OWWW!!! PArticularly in Voices and Take the Time. I believe he got food piosening when of holiday shortly before FII recording sessions took place making his range limiting,
yeah I heard he got food poisoned, and his voice took a major hit. I saw DT on the Scenes From A Memory tour, in Atlanta. I thought James sounded really good. I guess he was having a good night, that night.
i truthfully dont like labrie's voice at all.. i love the instrumental side to DT, but i am disappointed by his singing in most cases. this is IMO of course. (though once u set Russell as a vocal standard, thats a hard demand to live up to, though for their popularity you'd think they would be able to)

And as for them not even wanting to sign autographs after the show, that to me points to 'it all going to their heads' just a little too much. which is the quickest way for me to lose any respect for a musician.
I haven't seen either DT or Symphony X live, so i can only judge from what I hear on their albums. I think that James LaBrie's vocals are much more passionate and individual than Russell Allen's. Make no mistake, Russell Allen is probably the best male singer in all of power metal, but I think that his vocal style doesn't vary as much as James's. On the CDs James's vocals are so powerfula nd jump out at you, which is something I don't often get with Russell Allen.
Kate Bush Rules! said:
I think that James LaBrie's vocals are much more passionate and individual than Russell Allen's. On the CDs James's vocals are so powerfula nd jump out at you, which is something I don't often get with Russell Allen.

I feel quite the opposite. Though I do think the Labrie's vocal are better on the albums than live, and his voice is quite distinctive and unique, I think Russell sings with a great deal more passion than James. I think a lot of what James does on the albums does jump out and is great, but IMO, not like Russell. And I'm not just saying that because I love Russell... :)
After seeing Russel live, he's a real playful kind of guy not taking himself too seriously which makes the show that much more enjoyable. Good to see a frontman with a good sense of humor.
Unfortunatly James sucks live most of the times, i like his voice but he cant hit high notes anymore, it seems that he has real voice problems ... DT should have replaced him many years ago but if they havent done it yet they probably never will ... a perfect replacement would be Ted Leonard from Enchant.
You can work vocal wonders in a studio, but the true test is live. In my opinion, LaBrie is awful, one of the worst singers I ever heard. I can only imagine how incredible DT would be with an awesome singer who has great stage presence (yes IMO, LaBrie lacks that too), like Bruce Dickinson for example.
What a load of rubbish. Granted, I like Russell's just a bit to James' nowadays, JL is a quality singer and he was my fave for about 7 years until I finally realised that Russell was the man.