Damage (Oldschool type of Heavy-Thrash Metal) - First Demo


New Metal Member
Sep 2, 2015
So we are a band from Slovenia and we've just recorded a Demo and yeah... We would kinda like for others to hear and then comment it :D.

So our sound is based on oldschool Heavy -Thrash Metal, with shadows of rock and groove. You might hear influences of Metallica, Lordi, Iron maiden and such. And yea please don't forget it is only a demo, it's not studio quality. We've just settled and have a few gigs planned before the real studio thing.

You can listen to the full demo on bandcamp: http://damageslovenia.bandcamp.com/album/direkt-iz-kleti-dobesedno-demo
Or on our YOUTUBE channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMauF4jua5AhokGypt_bfOQ

So I would be pleased with your opinion about songs, even if it's harsh, but please not to harsh xD.