Due to circumstances, I haven´t been very active at the forum since last ProgPower. Therefore, I thought it would be good to re-enter the discussions with some great news:
Damian Wilson will play in the Sjiwa basement May 19th
The will be no entry fee and the night starts at 20:30.
It will be just Damian with his accoustic guitar doing his solo songs, but I've heard him playing some covers at other shows too.
Maybe a nice idea for a PPFSR (ProgPower Family Spring Reunion) for those of you who live/are close enough to Baarlo to make the trip.
I think this could be a nice oppurtunity to catch up with some PP friends and of course the locals, whilst listening to one of the greatest singers in (prog)metal (at least in my humble opinion).
Finally, I can honestly say that I'm glad to be back at the forum.
Cheers, Jeroen
Damian Wilson will play in the Sjiwa basement May 19th

The will be no entry fee and the night starts at 20:30.
It will be just Damian with his accoustic guitar doing his solo songs, but I've heard him playing some covers at other shows too.
Maybe a nice idea for a PPFSR (ProgPower Family Spring Reunion) for those of you who live/are close enough to Baarlo to make the trip.
I think this could be a nice oppurtunity to catch up with some PP friends and of course the locals, whilst listening to one of the greatest singers in (prog)metal (at least in my humble opinion).
Finally, I can honestly say that I'm glad to be back at the forum.
Cheers, Jeroen