Dammit! Fuck an avatar, dammit!!! GRRRR!!!!


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
Visit site
You know, maybe it's just me, but i thought my old EVIL DEAD avatar kicked ass...and now I have no fucking clue on how to set the new ones up. Am I stupid, or is it really that confusing?

I mean, really, what the fuck?

good day,
Yeah, yeah! Avatars rock!

The problem is finding a decent pic that is already by itself somewhere on the net. Then it has to be roughly square in shape or else it gets distorted. GIFs will shrink down when you import them, but a large JPEG may not work at all. Also, free websites like Geocities don't work very well. A couple placed to track down interesting animated gifs are http://www.bestanimations.com/ and http://www.world-of-animated-gifs.com/

When you find an image that you want to use, right click on it a select "Properties" to view the actual location of the image itself (without all the advertising crap and text). Copy and paste the location into your profile and presto!

Originally posted by GregadetH
Don't suppose you can work some magic w/ my retarded avatar can you?
Why isn't this shit working? I mean, really, what the fuck?

You have two problems. First, you had too many 't's in http. I fixed that, but now it's not working because the image you're linking:


Doesn't exist... double check the address of it :)
Originally posted by Mark
Thraxdude, you're ain't working because it's on Geocities (which doesn't allow remote linking of images)...

Thanks, Mark.
I hate Geoshitties.