dammit, i can't wait till monday

bleed for me

Sep 9, 2001
Brooklyn, NY
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never thought i'd hear myself saying that 'cause i'm exactly like garfield but my new guitar is coming on monday!!!!

it's an rg570EX


the picture doesn't do it justice....it looks fucking amazing in real life, best of all, it has a lo pro bridge....probably the best damn bridge ever...

well i hate to make this thread all about me so what are you looking forward to on monday? :D
Sweet dude! That's a great axe!

I have an RG550 and an RGartist. I love those full wood bodies, they sound far 'fuller' and they have better structual integrity. My RG550 is totally screwed where the floating bridge cracked through the wood!! AAAAARRGGGH! I love that guitar! Really fast neck and killer sound. Plus it's been on tour with Winger and Albert Lee! How cool!

I'm gonna fill it in and put a fixed bridge on though :D

Enjoy your new piece of gear dude!
I have a Peavey Predator Plus. First guitar I got, and needless to say I definetely have needed a step up in guitar and amp for a long time, but I don't really have the money. But also, I'm not sure what to get. I want a Gibson Les Paul, but thats a whole lot of money.

So, any suggestions? I've been looking at Ibanez' and ESP'. Thanks
Originally posted by Eld
Also, I just looked at the Ibanez S and RG. What's the difference, and which is better? Anyone have experience with both?

yea....i have both the s and rg (well actually my rg hasn't arrived yet, but i've played it in the shop)....the s isn't that good...the body is quite really thin (i don't like it personally but you might) and light...which is a plus but the bridge which it comes with (lo trs) is crap...goes out of tune easily and the action is pretty high....it sounds quite good and is quite versatile...the neck is thin and quite fast but it is also very weak: i;ve had my s for almost two years and the neck has had the banana effect on it...

the rg however is much better....it is more designed to play metal, has a full wood body that has a "fuller" tone like veil said

despite what i;ve said, you should still try out both guitars because my s guitar is two years old...there might be a lot of changes made since then

i doubt you can afford an esp but you might want to think about getting an esp ltd...they go for around the same prices as ibanez and are probably just as good...i would reccomend the mh, m or f series....

Best guitar i ever played.

I'm buying a Kelly as soon as i get the funds.

At the moment i've got a Les-Paul copy, and a Peavy Strat-copy... The les Paul is great, i love it. Totally customised by your's truly, but the peavey is shit. I've had it for about ten years.

Jackson Kelly! Fuck yeah.

DUnno about the bridge tho... Floyd rose is ok...
hehe, nope not a Jackson... for some reaosn i didn't like the Jacksons... It is an EB/MM JPM 7 string model! and no i am not saying it is the best because i am a big Dream Theater fan... it REALLY is the sweetest guitar i have ever playd by a mile...
Originally posted by Hearse
Shit... I wish I had the money buy new guitar too...

My next things I gonna buy:

new amp: 1000$
new guitar: 2000$

shit I have to save some money... :cry:

is that in US dollars?

how powerful is your amp gonna be? u could sell your old amp to get some money
Originally posted by Hearse

yes in US $...

now I got "Valvestate 100W 8100" amp ... but I need better tube amp. (that marshall isn't tube amp) and I need 100w tube amp :p.... laney is one good choice.

and I hunger for really good guitar without that sucky floyid rose bridge! :D I maybe gonna buy one without bridge at all ;)

the marshall jcm2000 is a really good amp...nice distorted tone....so is peavey, i think they're i bit cheaper too...not too sure about laney though...oooh, and mesa boogie has a good distorted tone
Originally posted by Eld
what about ESP's H series? They dont have Floyd Rose bridge either, which I hear so much about how crap it is.

floyd roses are only good for soloists coz u can mess around with it and get some high pitched tones...i personally like the floyd rose but they are a pain in the ass to set up...that's the only problem