Damn 7string tremolo system..


Handful of Nothing
Aug 27, 2001
I have the old Rg model, the one with the floyd rose licensed tremolo system. The damn thing never stays in tune when I dive bomb. I was thinking that I need stronger tension springs, but if not will I be able to replace the whole thing with the low pro edge? Are they the same dimensions?

I would get a new guitar all together, but for some reason I can't find one that has a similar neck to the Rg model.

Then after I get that shit situated, I need to get the damn emg pickups fitted into the body...I hope the wood doesnt crack.:yell:


No help here I suppose.

If the dimensions for the lo pro edge are wider then might there be some other body that I can buy that would fit on the neck that I have now? Im gonna go find the specs on the bastard....hmm tits.
I checked out stewart-macdonalds website...and there were no high tension springs...but there was a tremolo spring tension adjuster. I have no idea how it works, but would that allow more tension pulling with the springs?

-the chris