Damn Android phones ..


Jan 4, 2008
I just bought one, my first actually "smartphone" actually ..
The phone is a Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo.. looks fancy and all that, but I have no idea what to do with it, except for sms/calls :wave:

Any tips regarding apps/games etc? I'm clueless!

(I guess I will take a closer look at the android sdk, even though it's java :lol:)
thanks ;)
I just read Android 2.3 now supports low latency audio .. interesting :p
edit: seems like it doesn't go lower than 42ms.. yeah right, not that interesting :\
Soundhound and shazaam are interesting "what song is that" apps. More novelty though. You can get Winamp or Mixzing to play your music.
My favorite android app is Ringdroid, greatest ringtone making app out there (that I have found). Just pull up any song and highlight parameters on the waveform. First thing I did was make my text notification the sweep intro to the Painkiller solo....never went back haha.
You can get all the old game system emulaters as well. GBA is my favorite, mainly because I've been able to kill a lot of time in lines or waiting rooms playing Pokemon (yes, I'm 5 years old still).
If you constantly lose your phone (while on silent) get the "where's my droid?" app. Just text a key phrase and it turns the volume up and rings. Real nifty.

I've had the Droid phones since they've come out. Tbh, they are really buggy and mess with me all the time. They do anything but make a good phone call ha. But I love all the other things it's been able to do, the GPS alone has gotten me out of a lot of situations.
Download/install the amazon app store. They offer a new paid app for free everyday, I "buy" just about all of them and only install the ones I think are awesome.

I think this is a good way to get a variety of awesome apps.

Other than that, there are tons of "must have apps" lists for android on the net, check those out. There really isn't anything that awesome for AEs on there... at least that I have found yet.
Get rid of it.

Get an iPhone

/end thread.

Sorry Android fans. I tried to like it. I really did. But it just sucks.
It doesnt suck if you root it. When rooted it's much better than iShit. I owned an iPhone and in the first month is awesome, then you start to realize how limited and crap it is (even jailbroken)
iphone more limited than Android, how is that?

I own an iphone 4 and while I haven't seen any amazing new apps for months, I haven't seen any for Android/whatever either except for an app that lets you play Playstation games. It's all the same shit in the end
This post was made with an HTC Evo android. And it's a beast.

Idk wtf you pussies are complaining about, this thing is a monster.

Where my droid niggas at.
I just got my 6th Android phone in the last 3 years. I cant get enough

Previous Phones:
Motorola Cliq
Nexus One

Now I am on my 6th one, I just switched to Sprint and got the EVO 4g, this things is AMAZING. Streaming Netflix to your phone is the shit!
Word homeboy! I love my droid. Imo, never could be a more excellent phone. I checked with AT&T, the punk asses were wanting a 500 dollar deposit for an i Phone. This one gets the job done and doesn't need a jailbreak. By the way, what is?
I bought a Samsung Galaxy sII a couple of weeks ago. Such a kick-ass phone!!! Huge screen, really fast and solid.

I can't understand how people can stand with Apple, and their -you-can-only-use-extensionfiles-hahaha- That is the main reason why i got an android phone.
So i don't need to convert fuckin stupid files to make them play on my phone.