"Damn it feels good to be a gangsta."


Oct 16, 2005
Colorado, USA
I've gotten comments now, from my girlfriend, my mom and my girlfriends uncle, that I apparently look like a gang member when I'm wearing my WoY beanie and my whoodie. Apparently, there's something "gangish" about black metal logos?!
No there's something satanic, or perhaps that of the 'dark gods' about black metal logos, don't let your relations mix this up. If we were gangsters, we'd most likely be dressed formally and our killings would be clean, or stylishly brutal and we'd constantly arrive home with our black metal hoodies stained with distinguishing red stains.
I've gotten comments now, from my girlfriend, my mom and my girlfriends uncle, that I apparently look like a gang member when I'm wearing my WoY beanie and my whoodie. Apparently, there's something "gangish" about black metal logos?!

i guess black metal logos only look "black metal" if that's what you've learned to see them as. :Saint:
I remember this to be a cool song! I don't remember the artist(s) who did it, but I do remember that it was on the "Office Space" soundtrack.

The group is Dynamite Hack! Never thought that knowledge would come in handy again :lol:

edit: nvm got my rappers mixed up, dynamite hack is still cool though