Damn old people

Apr 5, 2008
I've been using email attachments lately but these old guys that I recorded can't figure out how to forward the .mp3 files to each other so they want me to send them a CD (which I'm trying to avoid). Surely there's a better way to do this. How are you guys sending rough mixes to clients? Also, I've been "watermarking" the songs by hand... is there a good free RTAS beeper plugin around?
If they didn't pay: not at all. I use the "no money, no files" rule and it rules :loco:
It's like this: You don't send them anything until they pay the full price (or at least the estimated full price) and they can't fuck you plus you have the money earlier.

They already paid me, but yeah normally you're absolutely right. I told them I would do one free revision for them.
just download a plugin that's a demo, they have silence points bult in if its a trial period. I use SVX Ampeg when I need whiting out etc :p