Dan Swano's guitar tuning.


I am Them...
Sep 26, 2002
Yesterday I, while I was trying to play 'Silent' from Purgatory album, I realilzed, that my D tuning is not low enough to play it. I started to count and - oh fear - I counted, that it is played in B tuning, e.i. 2,5 steps lower... :confused:

I was a little bit shocked, so I want to ask all of you: am I right about B tuning, or there is some mistake, If I'm right, than a wonder what strings must be used and whose idea was to play so low? :D

And also it's interesting to know other Dan's project's guitar tunings, I think he has experimented quite much with them... So, I can't wait to know the answer...
Eos have tuned in the following fashions:

1st demos: normal.
1st album : C#
Unorthodox/TSS/UEE/PA album: B
Crimson: A rhythm Nightingale tuning for my guitar D for the bass
Infernal B and A for some tracks
Cryptic (???)

(Nightingale tuning low to light D-A-D-A-D-E)

Old thread i know, but i really want to know which tuning i should use for "Hell is where the heart is"... he says this, she says that...what's right, almighty dan?
I'm trying it right now, and finally finding the easiest way to play NG songs !!

No songs on the latest four N.G albums use that tuning.
"I" is tuned down one whole step to D and the other three to D#
D drop on some tracks and the G-string up to A in the song "Invisible"
Unicorn said:
Hm.. I was shure that live Dan played this DADADE tuning and you a normal one. When he tuned it sounded like that atleast

No, we both play in "normal" tuning. On the first N.G gig in -98 Dan played in that tuning. "Nightfall" and the songs from "Closing" we play live is translated to standrad tuning ( in D# )
Gurgelguff said:
No songs on the latest four N.G albums use that tuning.
"I" is tuned down one whole step to D and the other three to D#
D drop on some tracks and the G-string up to A in the song "Invisible"

Thanks man I really apreciate your post...you're THE MAN !!:headbang: