Dance Of Death isn't Metal


The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
Maiden have always been Soft Metal but Dance Of Death isn't even that, Dance Of Death is Hard Rock.

Maiden are slowly getting softer. Here is their timeline of Genres:
1984-Soft Metal
1988-Hard Rock
1990-2000-Soft Metal
2003-Hard Rock

2003-2008-Hard Rock
2013-2016-Easy Listening
Didn't hear it yet. Getting it after work, but I agree with the response, so. If you want metal go listen to metal. I don't care what they should be classified. I've enjoyed just about everything they've released and even some stuff off of the Blaze era.
Profånity said:
Maiden have always been Soft Metal but Dance Of Death isn't even that, Dance Of Death is Hard Rock.

Maiden are slowly getting softer. Here is their timeline of Genres:
1984-Soft Metal
1988-Hard Rock
1990-2000-Soft Metal
2003-Hard Rock

2003-2008-Hard Rock
2013-2016-Easy Listening

Have you ever heard Iron Maiden?
Powerslave is soft metal?
Some people post on the board to try and be irritating/funny, but I believe you actually mean to be serious with your posts. You seem to have NOTHING worthwhile to say in any thread you post in.


Good luck with getting 15,000 posts, I'm sure you'll reach it within the month.
Then you could try to make 10 posts that actually have something worthwhile to say. :bah:
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Have you ever heard Iron Maiden?
Powerslave is soft metal?
Some people post on the board to try and be irritating/funny, but I believe you actually mean to be serious with your posts. You seem to have NOTHING worthwhile to say in any thread you post in.

Yes I have heard Powerslave, one of my fav Maiden albums, icompare it to any Sabbath or Priest album and it sounds like soft sissy Metal.

This thread is just sharing my opinion and Maiden have always been know as a softer style Metal band.

You're just calling this thread spam because you don't agree with it.
FrostGiant said:
Oh, and if they are together until 2016 I'll be quite amazed. That'll be almost 40 years (I think they formed in 1978 if memory serves).
They formed in 1975 and yes that's over 40 years but the Stones have been around since 1962 which is over 40 years, so why won't Maiden do it?
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Have you ever heard Iron Maiden?
Powerslave is soft metal?
Some people post on the board to try and be irritating/funny, but I believe you actually mean to be serious with your posts. You seem to have NOTHING worthwhile to say in any thread you post in.


Good luck with getting 15,000 posts, I'm sure you'll reach it within the month.
Then you could try to make 10 posts that actually have something worthwhile to say. :bah:

Some people working Profanity out at last - nice to see.
Anybody who thinks Somewhere in Time is heavier than Powerslave doesn't know shit about Maiden or Metal. So Synths are Metal but guitars aren't? Cuz Powerslave is much more of a guitar oriented album than Somewhere in Time. Heaven Can Wait is great...but let's not say it's heavier than Rime of the Ancient Mariner. That would be absurd.
Profånity said:
Yes I have heard Powerslave, one of my fav Maiden albums, icompare it to any Sabbath or Priest album and it sounds like soft sissy Metal.

You're just calling this thread spam because you don't agree with it.

Blah blah blah.

I'm not calling this thread spam - I'm saying ALL your posts are spam. None are worthwhile and this one takes the fuckin biscuit. You think old Priest like Sad Wings Of Destiny or Sin After Sin is heavier than Powerslave? I think you've never heard old Priest and are just flapping your fingers nonsensically on your keyboard.
Profånity said:
Maiden have always been Soft Metal but Dance Of Death isn't even that, Dance Of Death is Hard Rock.

1984-Soft Metal

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Holy shit, dude, Powerslave is one of Maiden's heaviest fucking albums. Are you gonna put on the title track and tell me that isn't HEAVY FUCKING METAL!?
Profånity said:
Maiden have always been Soft Metal but Dance Of Death isn't even that, Dance Of Death is Hard Rock.

Maiden are slowly getting softer. Here is their timeline of Genres:
1984-Soft Metal
1988-Hard Rock
1990-2000-Soft Metal
2003-Hard Rock

2003-2008-Hard Rock
2013-2016-Easy Listening
You're too hardcore for iron maiden though.
Because Iron Maiden arent as heavy as the 0879769670670 other bands out there, and arent true metal enough, it doesnt make them any less whay they started off as.
Profånity said:
Maiden have always been Soft Metal but Dance Of Death isn't even that, Dance Of Death is Hard Rock.

Maiden are slowly getting softer. Here is their timeline of Genres:
1984-Soft Metal
1988-Hard Rock
1990-2000-Soft Metal
2003-Hard Rock

2003-2008-Hard Rock
2013-2016-Easy Listening

you're an idiot
Aces High is heavier than Powerslave? Granted, heavy is a pretty subjective term, but I think you should probably return whatever it is you are smoking to the dealer and demand your money back.