DANCE OF DEATH named the best album of 2003 !

This just adds to my belief that M-R is a site run by fucktards.

Top 10 of 1999
5. Bruce Dickinson - Scream For Me Brazil
8. Control Denied - The Fragile Art Of Existance

Also note Hatebreeder at 7.
Does anyone here think that anything by Bruce Dickinson is even marginallly better than Control Denied?

Top 10 of 2000

1. Iron Maiden - Brave New World
2. Nevermore - Dead Heart in a Dead World
5. In Flames - Clayman
10. Nile - Black Seeds of Vengeance

Brave New World sucks. Period.
Some people don't like Nevermore, In Flames, or Nile, but there's not fucking way BNW is better than even Reroute To Remain.

Even continually dedicated Iron Maiden fans don't think Dance Of Death is a great album.
what? what a stoopid generalisation to make.. "Dedicated" (been listening to them for 11 years since i was 8) fans like me like it... thats a majorly stoopid thing to say... who are you to say true fans do and dont like? im a huge true fan and i love the album
talk whatever you want, I know that my fav guitarist owns your monster-creppy-band... Notice that they must respect Van Halen somehow as they named their puppet Eddie... :lol:

I was joking :p, the only album of IM I like is Virtual XI with Blaze at voc :kickass: