danny lilker pitches a hissy fit

Exactly. As true as it is (ie. about a bunch of losers that can say what they want anonymously, what they'd never have the courage to say if their identity was revealed), the fact is, retaliating fuels their fire, and only encourages the little snots to flame him more.

Ignore them, and they go away.
I hate those dumbasses who rip on everyone at blabbermouth, but yeah, he shoudn't get wound up about them, that just makes it worse...

does anyone remember when Richard Patrick got in a fight with the members at blabbermouth? The same thing happened to him..
I'm with fucking Dan all the way! Course it'll make the little 14-year olds get a hardon, but it's nice and refreshing to see him Stand Up And Shout :cool:

Reminds me reading on Mortiis' website, he posted on the front page saying how pissed off he was about people talking shit about him in the guestbook, so he started emailing several of them...about the grand total of 1 person actually believed it was him and replied more than once. Man, the poor geezer...
yes.... I was going to reply to the comments but there are just so many that were so fucking stupid I didn't want to spend time on it. Thats why I hate blabbermouth. People use it as a fucking chat room and there is so much BS I have to scroll through it's not worth going to anymore.It's like the same thing with our favorite Anthrax hater. I used to talk to him quite a bit but out of nowhere he starts bitching and ragging and spewing shit on Anthrax. Thats not my bag baby. It realy gets old. It's so fucking childish. I'm afriad to actually find out hopw old these people realy are for fear they may be actual adults. The world is filled with dumbasses.