Dan's Bloodbath audition

Hey, maybe you could continue your experiments in this style and also audition to be the new singer for Ion Vein. I'd love to hear the acapella sections of "Faith and Majesty" done in death vocals :)

Ehh Danny Boy, I still haven't learned the way of the low growl. From what I heard on the only Eden's Fall track I've ever heard, Blur the Lines, your low growls sounded sort of yell-ish... like if you yelled your death grunt. Pretty powerful man. I made a recording of my growl and sent to a friend, he said he knew EXACTLY what I was doing wrong. He said I was not closing my throat at the base of the throat and pushing with my diaphragm, thats why my low growls sounded like harsh whispers. I still couldn't figure it out though, which sucks. I've got some songs that REQUIRE low growls. I think I've got the pushing from the base of throat down, but it's still just a harsh whisper and my diapragm is kind of weak and doesn't alter the growl at all... you have any idea what I could do?? I'll leave some feedback of what I think of your cover when it downloads, its at 54% because I am on dialup and I've been downloading it for half an hour already. I'll probably post tommorow.... well peace man and thanks again! :)
metalprof said:
Sorry if this is old news and you've already seen it, but on the Bloodbath forum (subforum of Katatonia) , there's a lengthy thread of "How To Growl" with some sound samples.


Me, I'll just keep yelling at my kids until I get callouses on my larynx, that should do it :)

Yeah uhhh, I'm sort of banned from Bloodbath forum due to a vague statement I made about Katatonia's most recent peice of crap on the katatonia forum. The banning from Bloodbath forum was unjustified though. :( So yeaaah... If it was just that "push from your diaphragm" crap I already know that so well I could recite it.. :P Doesn't help any.

Oh and Dan, about your recording! The timing was pretty terrible you know? :( You should use a metronome and make sure you can hear the song pretty well while you're recording your vocals! Also I think the style of growl used in stuff like Bloodbath is the less voicy growl, with more throaty distortion and less voice. You kinda got a good mixture of voice and growl, which works but doesn't really fit the Bloodbath style... I think you could definitely be a death vocalist for some groups though. Maybe get the voiceless growl style though that comes with Death.. ^_^ Otherwise its pretty cool. :)