Danza III tracking

Hahahahaha! DANZA!

call me old fashioned but I long to see a band cut basic tracks in the studio..

all these guys punching in to a click track infront of a computer screen makes me sad!

I understand that kind of mechanical "music" requires multiple punch-ins, etc. definitely not for me....no thanks...
Im still waiting to hear music

These sort posts makes me cringe.
Just because you didn't dig the music in the clip doesn't make it unmusical. I'm not much of a fan of the band either, but I can hear plenty of music going on in that clip.
It would be a pretty boring world if all the music out there was just melodic and pretty, there's gotta be a harsh, dissonant contrast to that too.
FUCKING LOVE THIS BAND SO MUCH!!!!!! Josh is a beast guitar player for technical stuff. Def an inspiration for my playing.

Yeah man. Josh is from my hometown, we used to chill every once in a while. He's always been a step ahead of the game, and the material from his old band that never made it out of St. Louis has been at the top of the list on my iPod for a solid two years now.

Dude just gets tighter and tighter. He doesn't just write songs. He fucking writes movements.
I have a friend who's a friend of the band and he had the new album a few months ago or so. Got to listen to some of it and I actually really dug it. I never got into Danza I or II, but this one definitely got my attention. It's crazy stuff. I think they have a couple of new tracks up on their myspace.
never been much of danza fan myself but that impressd me, as was already said his playing is tight as shit, to be able to nail that once is beyond what my mind understands nevermind duel or quad tracking, fantastic