

Jan 4, 2004
Las Vegas
Danzig rocked last night. Sucks that I had to listen to shitty metalcore bands before Danzig came on. He dedicated Her Black Wings to Dime, which was cool. Doyle came out and the played about 8 Misfits songs. The place went nuts, I havent heard a reaction like that ever. Glenn Played some more of his stuff and Doyle joined him for 2 more Misfits songs.

Couple of cool notes, Doyle replaced his trademark fiend armbands with his new Gorgeous Frankenstein ones. Both guys seemed to have put the past behind them and had fun up there.
i know everyone thinks the same shit, but i feel obligated to say it. what the fuck is jerry only thinking (if he is even thinking), and why the fuck is he holding onto a band that he did absolutly nothing for except contribute shitty bass lines (that he didnt write) give it the fuck up, how the fuck can he even think he has a right to ruin such a legendary band. it was glenn, it was always glenn, and if you look at their careers in comparison, its so fuckin obvious, everything danzig has done has been classic (whether you want to consider new danzig or not) danzig ended the misfits to do samhain, and the misfits should have been in the fuckin history books until DANZIG brought it back if he wanted to. and look at jerry only, he ruined the fuckin misfits. i dont know about you fucks, but its almost embarrassing to wear misfits shit nowadays with the direction theyve (jerry only) has gone in. way to ruin a classic band you fat bald jack off.
I don't know what is going on with the Misfits either these days.

You wouldn't believe how much kiddie merchandise has their fuckin logo on it. Lunchboxes, incense burners, what the fuck? How can what was such a great band turn into such bullshit? Greed? Stupidity? Lack of judgment? Whatever it is, its ridiculous. Jerry Only must have lost his mind.

Gimme a break already
I still remember Jerry Only giving me his own sweaty Misfits shirt! So even though I know how much he beats a dead horse now and totally lacks the integrity there would be no shit talking! He is the man!
On the other hand, I never could stand Danzig´s solo records. Dunno why, I always have found his music annoying.
This is why. Jerry makes a boat load of cash touring, and merch. Yeah he is wrecking a great bands name, but Glenn gave him the rights to use the songs, and such, so he does. Look how many shows Jerry does a year, plus look at all the merch he sells (Jerry Only is the Kiss of Punk hands down).

Everyone always argues this point, but simple facts are facts. Jerry has the legal rights to the name the Misfits, he legally can play the songs (plus Glenn makes $$$$ of of him), and he makes a boatload of cash doing it. I would do the same thing.

Im glad Jerry still tours with his punk rock all stars. At least he is delivering to the fans what they want to see and hear. I wish Danzig would put aside his sour grapes and do a full Misfits reunion.

gaschamber said:
i know everyone thinks the same shit, but i feel obligated to say it. what the fuck is jerry only thinking (if he is even thinking), and why the fuck is he holding onto a band that he did absolutly nothing for except contribute shitty bass lines (that he didnt write) give it the fuck up, how the fuck can he even think he has a right to ruin such a legendary band. it was glenn, it was always glenn, and if you look at their careers in comparison, its so fuckin obvious, everything danzig has done has been classic (whether you want to consider new danzig or not) danzig ended the misfits to do samhain, and the misfits should have been in the fuckin history books until DANZIG brought it back if he wanted to. and look at jerry only, he ruined the fuckin misfits. i dont know about you fucks, but its almost embarrassing to wear misfits shit nowadays with the direction theyve (jerry only) has gone in. way to ruin a classic band you fat bald jack off.
Yeah he must have lost his mind. Man making boatloads of cash sure is crazy. What an idiot Jerry Only is, licensing the name Misfits to hundreds of items. Man is that ever stupid. How dare he make a living.

KISS DOES IT (2800 licensed products)

You know whats funny, is when you go see a no name band, and they have no stickers, no CDs, 1 t shirt. Thats what is stupid. Any band that doesnt have merch should give it up, because you will never make it without merch. That is a fact.

Joan of Arc said:
I don't know what is going on with the Misfits either these days.

You wouldn't believe how much kiddie merchandise has their fuckin logo on it. Lunchboxes, incense burners, what the fuck? How can what was such a great band turn into such bullshit? Greed? Stupidity? Lack of judgment? Whatever it is, its ridiculous. Jerry Only must have lost his mind.

Gimme a break already
merch is cool, i like it, but i like music for the MUSIC, if they make good MUSIC, as a BAND, then its fuckin great. theres a lot of fuckin great bands that dont have that much merch but i dont think theyre retarded, maybe they think its gay to have a death metal trucker hat, or a 70's 3/4th sleeve baseball shirt, or a fuckin gay ass patch that some crust fuck faggot punk only wears.

fuck maiden- last GOOD album- powerslave
fuck metallica -last GOOD album- and justice
fuck KISS -never a good one (but i will say detroit rock city the movie was pretty fuckin funny)
My point is this.. as a band you need to have merch in order to make a living. Music is only a part of making a living as a band. You seem to miss the point on a lot of posts dude.

I think its gay when you go see a kick ass band, and they have no CD avalable (worse is when they only hae a casette), or they have no t-shrts, or they dont even have stickers. Usually that band is soon forgotten, and usually they dont last much longer than a few months. Merch is the bread and butter of a band.

gaschamber said:
merch is cool, i like it, but i like music for the MUSIC, if they make good MUSIC, as a BAND, then its fuckin great. theres a lot of fuckin great bands that dont have that much merch but i dont think theyre retarded, maybe they think its gay to have a death metal trucker hat, or a 70's 3/4th sleeve baseball shirt, or a fuckin gay ass patch that some crust fuck faggot punk only wears.

fuck maiden- last GOOD album- powerslave
fuck metallica -last GOOD album- and justice
fuck KISS -never a good one (but i will say detroit rock city the movie was pretty fuckin funny)
Agree with Muffy, contrary to Lar Ulrich's insistance(Napster bad), bands dont make alot on record sales, they make it through touring and merchandise sales. Jerry knows that people will buy Misfits merch so why not give it to them. Unless you think being poor is a good experience you would do it also