Dark Empire

Harris The Epic

The Keyboard Guy
Dec 14, 2010
Long Island, New York
So has anyone heard of Dark Empire? They're a New Jersey based Prog-Metal band, who just came out with their third album, "From Refuge to Ruin".


You can buy the album on iTunes and from Amazon:
- http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/from-refuge-to-ruin/id501140102
- [ame]http://www.amazon.com/From-Refuge-Ruin-Dark-Empire/dp/B00708CBMA[/ame]

And here are a couple of reviews for it too.
- http://ripplemusic.blogspot.com/2012/03/dark-empire-from-refugee-to-ruin.html
- http://www.themetalpit.ca/darkempire.html
- http://www.newreleasesnow.com/song/0327_2012/6/no/Dark Empire/From Refuge To Ruin

For a general description of the band, imagine Peter Gabriel era Genesis had a lovechild with Nevermore.