Dark Funeral frontman Emperor Magus Caligula joins SANCTIFICATION

Apr 29, 2008

Below is the press statement from the band:

"There has been some changes in the SANCTIFICATION camp lately and it is with sad eyes we can inform you that Kristoffer Hell (Vocals, bass) has left the band. Kristoffer took the role as singer and bass player during the recording of the upcoming album “Black Reign” since Mohlin didn’t have the time that is needed for the band.

Mr Hell feels that he has other things in life that is more important at this moment and we support him all the way on that. We wish him the best in the future and thank him for a remarkable effort on this album!

The band is far from over and we have a new line up for the upcoming live shows so stay tuned for more info on that soon!!

Me and Markus has decided to let you guys in on the new session members. We were not going to tell you yet but it will be official on another site today anyway, so here we go!

Vocals: Masse Broberg (aka Emperor Magus Caligula) Guitar: Tomas Elofsson Guitar: Markus Edvardsson Bass: Andreas Mellkvist (from Oltued) Drums: Tony Westermark (from Soreption)

That is the new line up for now. Masse will arrive here (Östersund) on Friday to start rehearse with us and Me and Andreas are in full rehearsal mode. Tony just have to finish his recording with Soreption and then he will team up with the rest of us.

We are also happy to announce that we are set for the 2009 edition of the House Of Metal festival here in Sweden!....

Some of the bands that are booked so far are:....

Danko Jones, The Haunted, Opeth, Torture Division, Sanctification, Mustasch."

SANCTIFICATION official Myspace