DARK FUNERAL parts with Necropolis Records


there are no words left
Aug 30, 2001
Oslo, Norway
Swedish black metallers Dark Funeral have parted ways with Necropolis Records. The official termination of the contract papers were delivered to Necropolis Records the 22nd of November.

“This is a result of Necropolis' records deliberate breach of contract with the band Dark Funeral and MNW/NO FASHION Records. Dark Funeral waited patiently for Necropolis records to honour their agreement with them, and after many failed attempts by the band to legally force them to make good on their agreement, the band and record label had no other choice than to choose this course of action,” states the official Dark Funeral website.

Dark Funeral guitarist and spokesman Lord Ahriman has this to say about this development:

"Before we signed this North American deal with Necropolis Records, we were warned by pretty much everybody to not sign with them. It is apparently well-known within the scene as well as between various business associates that Paul and his Necropolis record label have routinely not paid most they have worked with. They have defaulted on payments towards their artists, for studio sessions, to their distributors etc. We had heard these rumours, and the warnings coming in to us, but we didn't want to judge anyone before we had investigated it further by ourselves. Usually there are too many rumours circulating out there and its way too often they lack evidence and/or any substance. After many discussions and meetings with Paul Thind, we, the band and our label MNW/No Fashion Records decided to sign and license Diabolis Interium for North America to Necropolis Records. Since we had our suspicions we protected ourselves by inserting an extra quote into the contract that would get us out of it easily if a breach occurred. It didn't take long before the first breech did occur. And so it has continued. Paul and Necropolis have pretty much failed to honour each and every quote in the contract. Therefore we had no option but to terminate the deal."

Official Dark Funeral website: http://www.darkfuneral.se/
Damn , contractual problems .
I wish all the best to Dark Funeral
this is very fucking typical necropolis fashion. 5 yrs now i have witnessed them make one stupid move after another...amazing that bands as talented as witchery, impaled remain with such bad business.