Dark Hall Demo

Miguel Suerte

Oct 1, 2005
When I suggested a Steve led band and Max told me, "What do you think Dark Hall is?" I knew I had to get that demo. Seeing as how most people on here are probably big enough SDG fans to have shelled out the eight bucks, I was curious as to what other owners of the demo thought of it. (I liked it a lot and thought there was going to be some kinda follow up in the form of another demo. Anyone know?)
I worthship that small masterpiece, to my opinion it is Steve's best bass work, not to to forget the top level players: Flamp,Chris and Ken...excellent job.

I heard a couple years back that there might have been a "reunion" to make some more music......but i guess they were just sad rumors :erk:

I don't think we'll see them again...unless Steve,Ken,Chris or Flamp wants to confirm otherwise....:)

I got that cd a loong time ago from Steve.......when Steve's web site was Bleu/gray/white.......My booklet has a "hippiesque rainbow color" cover which i think was done by Ken.

Jason's note: 5/5 " a must "
Keep your 8 bucks in your wallet mate...
Go to www.darkhall.tk or www.stevedigiorgio.com/darkhall (same thing) and click on the music link. There you can find 5 songs for download. Just right click on each one and "save as"...you know the deal. There's even different resolution demo covers to download and print on your own if you want to burn a cd and have the official dh cover release constructed by Kenny.
The 98 cd demo that was officially released had 4 songs. But I've added one song recorded back in 94 to go with those as a little bonus. It's a song I always wanted to re-record, but figured I was lucky enough to get away with the 4 that we did, so I include the original Solace recording of Orange Moon. It's a total trip down memory lane when I think of those sessions or hear those songs. I wish those guys were still living here in hellish Antioch and we were still creating together. But all are gone far away now, and any hope of reunion diminishes more each year. I talk to them once in a while, so I know they're still alive and well. But the musical magic has disapeared and I'm saddened by their absence. Enjoy the tunes and keep the magic alive.
The Ric tap tone on "Changing Weather" makes my day every time. The interplay and fusion/prog elements are just awesome and SDG really shows his versatility. I need to listen to it again. As I've told Steve, who's in denial still- he looks like fuckin' Jaco in some of those band photos, headband and all! Cracks me up. But yeah, great music from great dudes, period.
Jason Washburn said:
I worthship that small masterpiece, to my opinion it is Steve's best bass work, not to to forget the top level players: Flamp,Chris and Ken...excellent job.

Yeah, they're all really good players and it is certainly different than the other things in SDGs diverse discography. It's also amazing when you think it's just a demo too. I wonder if another Dark Hall like band is out of the question. You know, maybe not the same players but something like the Dark Hall sound. (I guess a job, Sadus, S. Bach, and another project will take up most of a day. Only so much one person can do I suppose.)
HippieOfDoom said:
There's even different resolution demo covers to download and print on your own if you want to burn a cd and have the official dh cover release constructed by Kenny.

One step ahead of you, bro...




I know, neither my camera, nor my printer are all that great.

Dark Hall is amazing. I can remember the first time I ever heard Changing Weather...I had never heard anything like it before in my life. It just left me speechless, still does. That whole cd is absolutely killer. It's a true shame that we'll probably never hear anything more...but either way, the songs that we got are still incredible. Thanks, Steve.

Miguel Suerte said:
When I suggested a Steve led band and Max told me, "What do you think Dark Hall is?" I knew I had to get that demo. Seeing as how most people on here are probably big enough SDG fans to have shelled out the eight bucks, I was curious as to what other owners of the demo thought of it. (I liked it a lot and thought there was going to be some kinda follow up in the form of another demo. Anyone know?)

am I that Max? damn my memory is now officially gone.
how are you doing bro? fucking myspace is a total waste of brain cells, there's people trying to involve me in fucking fights, can you believe it?

i hope you're doing alright, man!!! :)