Dark Sphere - Melodic black metal (SLO)


New Metal Member
Jan 24, 2011
Hello dear friends! I would like to present you my band called Dark sphere! We play melodic black metal and come from Slovenia!


The dark art that is called Dark Sphere was formed in 2008 and existed for a short period of time with a three-member line-up (Gothmog, Kain, Jumbo). Because of personal and musical diferences singer Jumbo left the band in autumn of 2008. After a brake Dark Sphere decided that it was time to find a suitable drummer. That problem was solved with the arrival of drummer Zli-(ex Mora). Zli didn't just bring new energy to Dark Sphere, he has also brought a new perspective and way of composing songs. With the arrival of Crow the band was finally completed! But luck didn't last long and the band had to take a brake, Kain decided to leave the band and start his own thing. As thing's got better the role of Kain was replaced by Butcher, who brought new Energy with his deadly 4 string strike. Dark Sphere have released their new album on the 10. september 2010. The album is called Ophiuchus and is speaking about the constallation Ophiuchus! Get your copy of Ophiuchus now!

Gothmog - Vocals, Guitar / Zli - Drums / Crow - Keyboard / Butcher - Bass


We have released our first record, called Ophiuchus! The price is 5 EUR! You can order it with a prvivate message!

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