Dark Symphonies


May 7, 2001
Auckland, New Zealand
Just saw this on the website....

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY! The price of EVERY full length cd at the Dark Symphonies webstore will now be $10.00 postage paid! That's right, every title at our webstore is now available for the everday low price of just $10.00. If the price of the cd states $12 or $14, ignore it! We will make sure that every order processed will include the new price of $10.00. MCDs priced at $8.00 will remain the same. This is our way of saying "Thank You!" to you, our customers, for your continued support. Darkest shopping...

$10.00!!!! with NO shipping! Fucking killer! You can't beat that with a stick. Guess my local CD shops are screwed. ;)

Cool, thanks for bringing this to my attention. I purchased the Maudlin of the Well cds from them in the past, and I was very pleased with them. I got my cds in 3-4 days. I will definitely take advantage of this...they have some cds that I need to get. I might look into getting some Devil Doll cds, and I can't wait until they stock the new Novembers Doom. I also need to check out Brave...any suggestions, Lina? ;)
Thanks, I'll try to download a few mp3s before I make a decision. I noticed that www.digitalmetal.com has a Brave mp3 up. I downloaded it earlier but haven't had a chance to listen too much yet. I was impressed with the female vocals upon first listen. It reminded me of Lacuna Coil/The Gathering somewhat, which is not a bad things at all. :)
Originally posted by -Desecrated-
Ugh... this got me all excited... and then I looked at their selection. Finding black metal CDs is impossible on that site except for that one COB CD, and who the fuck wants to listen to COB?
If you are looking for BM, I just noticed Dark Symphonies has 2 Krieg cds. If you haven't heard them, I suggest you check them out...try to find some mp3s. I have heard a lot about this BM band from the US. Sadistik can tell you more about them when he's around.
Originally posted by OpethianSoul
If you are looking for BM, I just noticed Dark Symphonies has 2 Krieg cds. If you haven't heard them, I suggest you check them out...try to find some mp3s. I have heard a lot about this BM band from the US. Sadistik can tell you more about them when he's around.

BM band from the US?! :lol: Forgive me for being a bit.. tickled.. by hearing that. It's not every day you hear of a black metal band from the states.. Are they like COF? I hope not.
No, Sadistik praised them highly and he knows quite a lot about BM (read: elitist ;) ). A guy in one of my classes last year was realllly into BM and listened to nothing else...he really liked Krieg as well. I haven't gotten into BM too much, but I also found it odd that they are from the US. I believe they are from Indiana if I am not mistaken. My friend described the production of one of their albums as sounding like it was recorded in a shed. :)

They are not like COF at all...check them out. I am gonna look for some mp3s right now.
Not quite finished man. I'm on the 6 year plan. :lol: But I'll be moving back to Western in 2 weeks to finish up my last 2 full semesters there and graduate if all goes as planned. So yeah, I'm just around Hickory for the summer.

You're going to App aren't you? or is that some other NC person on the boards? I can't quite remember. Are you going to the Arch Enemy/Nile show in South Carolina on Friday? I'll be there!

Yep, that's me...I move up to Boone in less than 3 weeks. Damn you. *jealous* I realllly want to see the Arch Enemy/Nile show, but I have no way of getting there. I meant to tell my brother about it sooner, but I forgot to let him know ahead of time so he could take off work...I don't have a ticket and won't be able to go. I'm sure Nile will put on a killer show, especially since it's in their home state. :(
Hell, I don't have a ticket either. Most people just buy them at the door.

Yeah, I expect Nile to kick ass, but I'm really there to see Arch Enemy. One of my favorite bands. Too bad you can't go man. I got a car full. Else I'd say you could ride with us, hehe.

I can ride on the hood of the car...I'll pay the ticket if the police pull you over. ;)

I appreciate the thought, and I'd definitely do it. I guess it's my fault for not planning ahead. I thought a while back when I heard about it that I'd be moving in around this time. :/