Dark Tranquillity - Character (opinions)


agent of brutality
Feb 8, 2004
Beyond The Unknown
ok so some of you prolly downloaded the album already, it leaked the other day. I have always been a huge dark tranquillity fan and I was really excited to hear the new album. I expected the band to stay on the Damage Done track, and get a little more experimental... boy was I wrong. This album is fucking old school! Rather than becoming more experimental like most swedish bands are doing these days, they have gone back to their sound from "The Gallery" and "The Minds I". What is so amazing is that even tho the album has that old school sound, it also has a modern sound to it. It sounds fresh, and new, but at the same time it sounds like an old album. I highly reccomend buying this album when it comes out in january... its well worth the money. It is what melodic death metal can, and should sound like.
i liked the whole damage done thing...for a few 20 listens, after a while it just got boring and redundant. but i will give there new album a download and see.
I'll wait to buy the album. DT has been one of my favorite bands for years. Except for Haven, they never released anything that disappointed me.
this is great news , first kreator and now this. Both those bands seem to going back to fucking kick ass old school style.
Damage Done sucked so I'm kind of skeptical, but I've heard good things so I might check it out.
I'm less impressed with Character than Damage Done. Personally, i'd rate Character as their weakest for a long time, but I have to listen to it a lot more before I can be certain. It is at least solid, if nothing particularly interesting.
Huh... It bored me to tears last night. Sounds a lot more like damage done era to me. Maybe scultped is right, could need more listens.