Dark Tranquillity - Character


Apr 29, 2001
Long Island

It's good but that's about it. I'm underwhelmed so far. The timing is probably just not right. It sounds like Dark Tranquillity, but...

Lost To Apathy seems like the standout track.

This one's going to have to be a grower, I'm afraid.

Interesting tidbit: The very first thing you will hear on this album is a blastbeat.


EDIT: Wait, I think I have a CD-R of their earlier shit that wasn't half bad. I'll never listen to it again WOAH WHAT AN IMPACT ON MY LIFE.
Erik said:

Haha, cool, they haven't used blastbeats and tremolo riffs since 1997...

Erik... Im way too much of a n00b to use direct-connect programs... if you could hook me up with the album or instruct me as what the fuck to do to get it, I would be greatful. [/fanboi]
character is now gracing my ears... and "wow" is all i have to say. Im loving it. I don't even know why In Flames exists anymore.
God I hate to say it, but I agree with EriK on overuse of Synths. Havent heard the new one though, but the synth was taking much more than its customary backround role in Damage Done. I always have enjoyed synths when used sparingly and tastefully as background instruments, but anything more, sounds awful.
Wow, I didn't even notice any synth-action that bothered me. I guess all the Dan Swano stuff I listen to has made me immune to the cheese of synths!
Haha, its true. And I agree with the synths, they are becoming unneccessary. But still... this album rules hard.

edit : Martin Brandstrom (I dont know how to use accent notations) is still a cool guy, afterall, he is responsible for Monochromatic Stains!
Had more time to give this a chance today. It's growing but not much. I think things would be improved greatly if the album went from The New Build right into Lost To Apathy. Mind Matters is the best song right now. The second half is much better than the first. Also agreed, there's seems to be electronic elements that just slow down the momentum of too many songs here.
Heard the first two tracks to give myself an indication of the album...the riffing is definitely at the strength of their best albums and there's a great instrumental break in the latter song, and I don't hear too many intrusive electronics (I find their use to be much more tasteful than most melodeath), but no reason for them to be prominent either.