Dark Tranquillity's "Character"

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
Kicks fucking ass! :kickass:

Sounds like "Damaged Done", but with a greater sense of rage. Stanne sounds fantastic. Few can convey the same intensity and annunciate. This CD is a total riff-fest.

I prefer it over both Damage Done and Haven, but not Projector. It also surpasses Mind's I, but not The Gallery. It's impossible to compare it to Skydancer.
J. said:
'Tis the true follow-up to the awesome Haven. Damage Done was just a stop-gap.
Dude. Haven is poop compared to anything else this band has ever done. Character is indeed good, better than both DD and Haven but that's as far as I will go.
Haven took a really long time for me to appreciate... I remember when I first got it like 3 years ago I didn't like it very much. It has its slow moments, but there is some gold as well.
Oh, and for the record, the first albums obviously ruin all of their new stuff. I mean, I still get chills from "Of Chaos and Eternal Night" after hearing it like daily for 2 years. Amazing.