DARKANE: Live Video Posted Online


Sep 21, 2002
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DARKANE: Live Video Posted Online - May 3, 2004

DARKANE guitarist Christofer Malmström has posted the following message on his official web site:

"Hello! I'm sorry that there hasn't been much news on DARKANE's official website. We've changed webmaster and are waiting for the new one to create a totally new website for us. In the meantime this might cheer the people who like 'Rusted Angel' up! A few months ago we re-released our debut album with some bonus tracks. One of them was a live version of 'A Wisdoms Breed', recorded at the Tivoli in Helsingborg October 1998. This was the second time we played live together and Lawrence Mackrory was still in the band (he only did four live shows with us, all of them in Sweden). I've put together a live mpg from that night while we played 'A Wisdoms Breed'. The cameras we used was cheap but the clip shows what an intense night that was! ...and I wasn't bald!

"The size is about 28 MB and you can download it by clicking here!

"If you haven't checked out the mpg from the recording of 'Rusted Angel' you should do it by going here!

"I have finally completed the work on my solo project NON-HUMAN LEVEL and Ryan van Pooederoyen will hopefully start recording the drums in August this summer. Can't wait to hear the result. If you like DARKANE you should definitely check this stuff out. It's too early to tell about the DARKANE situation. Peter is feeling better but we haven't started to rehearse yet. You'll get news about that soon.

"Oh yes, don't forget to get the new Monsters of Metal compilation DVD vol. 2 from Nuclear Blast. Our second video 'Chaos vs. Order' is on it!"