Darkane the other night

veil the sky

Lexicon V
Nov 22, 2001
Guildford UK
anyone from here go?

vae solis - liquified skeleton - descent - darkane

i'd never heard darkane before but i was quite impressed. the observation that 'they sound like soilwork with more fast bits' (thanks tony ;) ) was deceptively informative. not that i should be surprised, i only needed to know they were a NB band to know pretty much what they sounded like ;) [/pinch of salt]

i've also started to notice how Nuke Blast insist that onstage, any one of their bands must wear identical shirts. hmm. weird that!

a great showcase for underground uk talent too!

although where jay's washing is (particularly his shirt) will never be known...
I was really impressed. Very professional - much better than In Flames last gig even though Nuclear Blast seem to have given Darkane the short straw regarding promotion. How on earth can a band on such a lable end up playing to so few people. Something went wrong there.

Vae Solis were the best i've seen them. They are so good. Total headbanging experience - more people need to know.
Originally posted by Kozmos
I was really impressed. Very professional - much better than In Flames last gig even though Nuclear Blast seem to have given Darkane the short straw regarding promotion. How on earth can a band on such a lable end up playing to so few people. Something went wrong there.

Vae Solis were the best i've seen them. They are so good. Total headbanging experience - more people need to know.

i was actually pretty embarrassed at the turn out. we really don't do ourselves any favours regarding our image as a nation that's apathetic about extreme metal!

and again, that a band on a label the size of nuke blast should get such little exposure that they can't (even nearly) fill the underworld doesn't make much sense to me either!!

to be realistic though, in flames are ...well ...in flames, and they are gonna be a safer investment for nuke blast with every penny. you know damn well that IF will be a success because of their history. in a way it's probably a mistake for a band like darkane to sign to such a big label who are going to be focussing elsewhere. not that i'd turn down an offer from NB I suppose...
Keep in mind NB no longer have a promotions person here in the UK, the replacement is more distrobution than promotion, and has a lot fo other things to look after as well... in the end it's a real shame because Darkane deserved a lot better.
I personally thought Darkane were mediocre at best. Poor sound, and the vocalist was a total muppet.

Descent were okay. Nothing more. Liquified Skeleton sent me to sleep after two songs and Vae Solis were young and energetic, but without any real identity.

I can't say I was that suprised by the turnout, but I thought they'd get about 100, not 50. Still, I've seen the place emptier than that before!

sorry... I can't imagine Arch Enemy playing the Underworld... it's a bit like asking metallica to play upstairs at the garage...

as for Darkane, they were good, they aren't my favorite swedish band, but i think the still deserved a lot better. I don't think it got any promotion other than word of mouth... we only found out about the gig by chance... and I doubt NB had anything to say about it... it's a real shame, because I'm sure there's lots of people who would have loved that gig... but then again maybe it's the sheer amount of gigs lately, and people just can't afford to go to all of them...