Darkest Hour...........Gets Ripped Off While They Play

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
DARKEST HOUR: Toronto Robbery Fails To Derail Tour
DARKEST HOUR have issued a statement clarifying recent reports that their van was broken into while the group were on tour with ATREYU, GOD FORBID and UNDEROATH.

The group's statement reads as follows:

"To dispel any rumors that might be floating around about the DARKEST HOUR robbery, here is the situation: On Thursday, August 21 our van was broken into outside of Club Rockitt, in Toronto, Canada. The person or persons smashed our windows and went through all our bags during the show. They stole the band safe and all our cash, not just travel cash, but money we owed to many people who work hard for us, including T shirt companies, our soundman, our booking agent, and various record labels (ATREYU's van was also broken into and they lost some personal items as well). Any band or person who has been on tour will tell you that carrying money on you is a risk that everyone has to take. That being said, this is probably one of the hardest things we as a band have ever had to deal with. When you live on tour you count on that money for survival. We can't thank enough the other bands on the tour (ATREYU, GOD FORBID, and UNDEROATH) for all their help and donations. With out them we would not be able to finish the tour or even begin to drag our selves out of the serious debt we are now in. We also want to thank the tons of kids who have been donating at the shows. Please continue to come out and give us your support!"

From BlabberMouth.Net
That sucks when ever something like that happens. Some people are just fucked up.

I remember a few years back Fear Factory's ENTIRE equipment Truck was stolen in Philly I believe. The theives got EVERYTHING , Guitars , Amps, Drums, PA equip etc ......... they later found the truck burned with all the gear missing and I don't think they ever caught the bastards that did it nor did they get any equipment back.
Goddamned lowlifes. There is one nice thing in this story DE and that is how the other bands pulled together to help DH. That is what I love read about. There are positive things that do come out of negativity! :)