Darkthrone-Too Old, Too Cold

Blinded By Blood

Jan 19, 2006
Fucking amazing EP. I love the direction Darkthrone has taken, a huge step away from the generic black metal sound. I don't care if you think they're not tr00 or kvlt anymore, they fucking kick ass. And Fenriz owns on vocals

NP: Darkthrone-Graveyard Slut
Birkenau said:
Fenriz just does vocals on Graveyard Slut.
i'm pretty fucking positive the clean vocals on "love in a void" is him as well, because they sound just like his cleans in isengard.

pretty good ep, anyhoo. they needed to change stuff up a bit because the last three albums sounded pretty much identical.
Plaguewielder was a more different from Hate Them than Hate Them was from Sardonic Wrath. Hate Them and Sardonic Wrath are much closer to each other than either are to Plaguewielder...
I'm not too familiar with Total Death and Ravishing Grimness, but I've been told that they're similar. I think A Blaze In The Northern Sky is more similar to Under A Funeral Moon than Plaguewielder is to Sardonic Wrath, though.
I'm not too familiar with Total Death and Ravishing Grimness, but I've been told that they're similar.
they're not really. you should listen to total death; it's somewhat THRASHY. and you're the THRASH DUDE.
Susperia said:
Hahha it's fun watching you two.

By the way, I think this album's a joke.

You better be joking. Seriously. I will hunt you down and kill you.
Malignance said:
All I've heard is 'Too Old, Too Cold' and it was fucking abysmal. I won't be further investigating the album.

I would've been shocked if you actually did like it.
Does someone knows where you can pre-listen to some songs? I mean, I will buy it nethertheless but I am so curious about it. Shit on the borders of genres, it´s Metal that must be enough!