Darkwater - Can't Wait!


Space Ghost
Aug 31, 2008
Near Raleigh, NC
Just a couple of links to prime the pump. From their debut, The Tallest Tree is one of my all-time favorite songs. They played it last year at Prog Power Europe, so hopefully they will play it at PP XII!

Breathe is a favorite from their second and most recent album:

The Play II is another gem from Calling the World to Witness:

There is a good chance that they will play Why I Bleed, which contains some of their more overt Christian lyrics:


Enjoy and I will see many of you in Atlanta next week!
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I'm very excited by their appearance. Weren't they added as a replacement for another band? I remember thinking they were an upgrade over someone.
IIRC, Glenn had tried to get a "big fish" but they wouldn't bite. So he lined up Darkwater instead. IMHO they are a great choice. :worship:

Darkwater was announced as being on the bill right before tickets went on sale - I do not believe they were a replacement for anyone - as Diamond points out.

"Breathe" and "Why I Bleed" are regular rotations on my iPod.

I suspect they are as "Christian" as The Call - one of my fave bands from the early 80's. Good songwriting alows people to read anything they want into lyrics. As long as the music appeals to something deep within you (whether that be political, religious, sexual, whatever) the artist has accomplished something.

And Darkwater manages this pretty well. The first three bands of this festival will be awesome: Creation's End, Darkwater and Voyager? Really? I'd pay over $50 just to see THESE three. And then the next day we see While Heaven Wept, Red Circuit, and Labyrinth?

That is an impressive lineup, and I haven't even named the headliners. Slaloming the slopes of Visa F'ups and Flakeouts, Glenn has managed to put together ANOTHER lineup of historic, established AND cutting edge musicians that will educated us all by festival's end.

It's not like I'm excited, or anything.
Really looking forward to Darkwater as well. Just hope the singer gets healthy before PP.....

Don't worry, Tommy from Seventh Wonder didn't have a voice about a week before ProgPower last year and he did fine. I'll just tell Henrik to take is vitamins ;)
Looking forward to them too, got the first one and enjoy it immensely...never picked up the latest though
I suspect they are as "Christian" as The Call - one of my fave bands from the early 80's.

And Darkwater manages this pretty well. The first three bands of this festival will be awesome: Creation's End, Darkwater and Voyager? Really? I'd pay over $50 just to see THESE three.
It's not like I'm excited, or anything.

Dude - hell yeah

Loved seeing The Call mentioned in here as they were always a fav of mine. Saw them once live and Michael Been solo live once - both GREAT shows

I have loved Darkwater since the first CD and was pissed when I had to miss them when they played Barfest years back.

Yeah early Friday is going to rock
I picked up Where Stories End when they were announced to play the fest and was pleasantly surprised. I tend to value melody over...everything else, really, and Darkwater knows their way around some good melodies.
Maybe not, but their other band Harmony DEFINITELY is.

That is true, but people seem to forget that Harmony is a project by Markus and Tobias (the only two from Darkwater with a christian faith). So that Darkwater, and especially that "Why I bleed" (which is written by Henrik) should have christian lyrics is not correct. Just read any interview where this is brought up, and they always seem to have to explain the situation :)
That is true, but people seem to forget that Harmony is a project by Markus and Tobias (the only two from Darkwater with a christian faith). So that Darkwater, and especially that "Why I bleed" (which is written by Henrik) should have christian lyrics is not correct. Just read any interview where this is brought up, and they always seem to have to explain the situation :)

Yeah must be a pain to explain things all the time. I like both bands a lot, so it doesn't matter to me if the lyrics are christian based.
Also looking forward to their set here! :)

Hope they'll break out the beautiful The Play (pt 1). Love that song!

That pairing is amazing.

I got both of their discs right after they were announced and the first few times I listened to them I thought "well, I guess they're pretty decent." I kept giving them plays when I wasn't sure what else to listen to, though, and before too long I'd fallen in love. I'm seriously pumped about seeing these guys now.