Das Scheit - Superbitch


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Das Scheit – Superbitch
Black Lotus Records – BLRCD083 – February 21st, 2005
By Jason Jordan


A long time ago in a review far, far away…I said that I’d let my nature to judge prematurely run amok, but ended up besting it when all was said and done. In addition to Dark Nova, I’ve also heard terrible, horrible things about industrial goths named Das Scheit. Let’s pretend that the English equivalent of the aforementioned German words involves “The” and “Shit.”

From the liner notes, it looks as if Marilyn Manson – the man himself – is a member of the four-piece, but the lecherous idol is nowhere to be found. I presume it’s his twin. Coincidental likenesses aside, when the music commences with “7 Seconds,” it’s not all bad. I have to hand it to Das Scheit for the following, minor achievement: they definitely chose the best song to leadoff. It’s not like Superbitch is a rollercoaster either, because the quality of the songs don’t plummet rapidly. The descent is more gradual, and ultimately peaks during numbers like “About U” (ugh), “Catpiss,” and “Hardbody.” I deal with enough literal cat piss on a daily basis, which means I don’t want to hear a song with that title. And I suppose the creative juices ceased to flow when the song titles for “Long Walk” and “Lonely Walk” were being thought upon. As their subgenre classification dictates, the group relies on industrial elements, splattered with darkness, to get their point(s) across, and I can think of many other musicians I’d rather pay mind to. Furthermore, even if I had liked this record, forty-six minutes is slightly too much for this particular shtick in my opinion – but think how much trouble the length becomes when you don’t like it.

Even if I’m not pressed to do so, I can think of a handful of far superior bands on the Black Lotus Records’s payroll. But, I won’t name them (Nightfall, Altered Aeon, Thanatos, The Elysian Fields, The Bereaved) here. It’s too painstaking to intake Superbitch when I have the new EP from Negura Bunget sitting two feet away from me. Ooooh…preeeeetty. Your mom, that is.


Official Das Scheit Website
Official Black Lotus Records Website